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About This File

What's New in Version 1.0.0


An example program that let's you add, remove, and modify the configured users in an NA HMI application. All changes made to the HMI with this sample project will be reflected in the project stored on the HMI. BE CERTAIN to first upload the the user data before making changes to the screen with Sysmac or else all changes will be overwritten with the user accounts in the Sysmac project. Alternatively you can transfer a project to the HMI and de-select the user data so nothing is overwritten. 

All of the user account commands reside in the page code which can be viewed, copied, or edited if desired.


If the NA project you are merging this into has roles other than Administrator, Engineer, and Operator then the selection boxes and some scripting will need to be modified - It should be pretty apparent what to do.

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