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About This File

For the past four years I have setup a Halloween display at my house for my neighborhood children to enjoy. Each year my total TOTs (tricker-or-treaters) have double to the point last year I had 1500 kids come through my garage for a fully automated Halloween show complete with animatronics air props etc.. Also each year I submit a DVD video in a contest to the Halloween-L people in hopes to win the contest for the USA. I never have won anything but this year I decided to contribute to the technical part of the contest so I video taped myself going over the basics of a MicroLogix 1000 PLC and how I apply my PLC at home for use during my Halloween displays.

Last year is the last time I will be setting up my display however my legacy lives. I put up a website with videos and pictures of my props from the past three years. You can view or see more information at: http://www.plchalloween.com. Since I won't be returning to the Halloween scene in 2006 I've decided to share my videos I created. I will uploaded a series of videos to MrPLC.com as I see they can help those that are beginners much like they have helped Halloween-L fans.

Very soon check in the online store I will release a DVD version of all my How-To-PLC w/Halloween for sale. The DVD will contain hi-quality videos however the low quality videos will remain free for download here at MrPLC.com. I hope you enjoy as I upload videos in the next coming weeks.

This video explains very basics ladder logic editing. Part 1 of 2

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