About This File
To rule out problems with data traffic to AC drives sometimes I ask a user to monitor the DPI Diagnostic Items in the 20-COMM-E interface. These can be read using Drive Explorer Drive Executive or the 20-COMM-E embedded Web page.
But the controller can also read these values with a little help from the 20-COMM-E User Manual and some ladder logic for messaging.
The DPI Diagnostic Object is Class 0x99. The Diagnostic Item value is Attribute 1. But what's the Instance number ?
The Instance number for Adapter items begins at 0x4000 (16384) and I am interested in Items 49 through 55:
Item# Name Instance # Data Size (bytes)
49 EN Rx Overruns 16433 2
50 EN Packets Received 16434 4
51 EN Rx Errors 16435 4
52 EN Packets Sent 16436 4
53 EN Tx Errors 16437 4
54 Last TCP Reset 16438 2 (Read Only)
55 Missed IO Packets 16439 4
This ladder example just reads those 7 values repeatedly. I could be expanded to cover multiple drives.
These values are all reset when power is cycled which is why I'm interested in having the controller read them instead of standing around looking at the software monitor all day or trying to have people read them before they cycle power to the drive.