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Hello, Thanks Mr.PLC for all of the help I have referenced in these forums since I started PLC programming three years ago. These Forums have been a God send for me in extremely stressful times so I am offering a freebie to all.
I'm looking for feedback regarding stand alone software I have written for loop control using OPC. It has been tested with three different OPC servers, RSLinx Classic (not RSLinx Lite!), Matrikon, and Kepware KepserverEX v5. The PLC family used for testing is Allen Bradley Control Logix and Compact Logix and I'm sure SLC will work but I have to work on pre configuration details and instructions. Currently UNI_LOOP has pre configuration for RSLinx and Matrikon but I have not posted a Matrikon server configuration example on my instructions page yet. My Idea is to have software that will only need to know what type of OPC server that is going to be utilized and the PLC tag names. Internally the software will handle the connection strings and thus save the user the trouble of having to figure out how different OPC servers work. My program has been tested with Windows 7 and XP and was written in Visual Studio 2010. I can only think of one draw back to testing my code which I am currently working on. I am not sure if this is my only option but in migrating to Visual Studio I did not block .NET4.0 and Microsoft sort of snuck that by me with Visual Studio so it is required in order to test UNI_LOOP. I know installing a new product from Microsoft can be a little unsettling but FWIW, Windows 7 ships with versions up to 3.5 and I have noticed Wonderware and Allen Bradley products require .NET at least as high as version 2.0. The software is free and I have a free matching sample of RSLogix5000 v15, using Emulate or Real Hardware that has a PIDE loop and will provide the following functions. Auto/Manual Toggle, (PV) Process Variable Display, (SP) Set Point Display (CV) Control Variable Display, PV Bad Quality Indication, SP Tracking Indication, CV Tracking Indication, Single Adjustment Tag With Up and Down adjustment buttons at a fixed rate, Bumpless Transfer from PV to CV. UNI_LOOP also allows user input Text Entry for the Loop Name, PV, SP, and CV and will remember settings for the folder that it runs from. I have written a Batch file that launches a very large amount of my programs from individual folders with one click and they all remember their settings. I have had a full screen of my programs running all at the same time and they gave me no trouble. I have purposely made my program crash by manipulating the server details and it only would give me an error notice and did not interfere with the other running UNI_LOOP programs. Kepware was the only OPC server that I have tested in Windows 7 but I have not finished pre configuration and instructions. In the future I will have an alarm program with acknowledgement input, and a discrete input program with lamps or text as feedback. My website is My link for the latest version, and I would really appreciate any feedback offered to help improve my software.