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About This File

This is a simple configuration example for navigating between Displays in FactoryTalk View ME with a "Navigation Bar".

This example uses the Global Connections feature, pointing the Remote Display Number connection at an internal HMI Tag (Display_Number_Read).

Whatever value is written to the Display_Number_Read tag will be the number of the Display that is shown.

The Global Connections feature is also writing the current Display Number to another internal HMI Tag called Display_Number_Write. This is just for the purpose of showing the difference between these two features, which are very often misunderstood or confused.

All three of the ordinary Displays are "Replace" type, which gives them Display Numbers (1,2,3). The Navigation Bar is another Display but it is an "On Top /Cannot Be Replaced" type and does not have a Display Number.

A Global Object would be another way to implement this functionality of a Navigation Bar. The Remote Display Number tag could also reside in a PLC, rather than as an internal HMI tag.

This project Archive was created in FactoryTalk View ME Studio 6.0 and cannot be opened in any earlier version of FactoryTalk View Studio or RSView Studio.

The file is a *.APA Archive file, compressed as a ZIP file for attachment to the MrPLC server.

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