About This File
This is the rough draft but I have many hours in it.
Run it on the Emulator only. I have not tested comms with a Click PLC yet. I put it here in the Automation Direct category, because I plan to run this 1000 step sequencer in the Click on my front porch, once I get all the bells and whistles ironed out.
Crimson 3.0 Build 469.
Run In Emulator
*Scrolling Specialized Sequencer Display and Configuration Screens.
*40 screens with a navigation panel making use of hte menu (hard) button.
-this needs work. Right now, the only way to increment the menu is by using the menu button to cycle through 6 overlapped menu bars on the Master Slides.
-editing the nav menu is best done by dragging the groups (on the Black Master Slide) to the right until you have all of them in view. Then you can make changes to one member (wihtout ungrouping), then copy and paste special onto the other members of the group by holding shift + select)
The Navigation button text and page titles are tied to individual tags. I started with an array, but then couldn't individually control colors, so now they're individual tags.
The animation on the Sequencer Config Screen is pretty farging cool if I do say so myself.
I don't like my vertical text labels, so I am thinking of switching to individual character references to a custom font to give the appearance of angled text at bout 30 degrees. But I will need to be really bored to go that far.
I am also planning to alternate strips of background colors and make column selection and editing tools.
The rung editing buttons are stubbed, but I wanted to put this out there for critique before proceeding. Especially if someone has a real G315 to run it on. I need to know if my bit triggler is fat finger friendly.
Also, I have not tested the Click Modbus comms.
Run it on the Emulator, and go to the Sequence Config page, then touch the fire. Drill into my creation...