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2 Screenshots

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I got a little carried away with this exploration of rotation animation with Crimson 3.0

r005 2012-07-04:PEC:

  • Improved shields, now available at 100% to start the game, shows up as unfilled ellipse around the truck. Can be used to put out your own truck when on fire.
  • Improved truck steering...still not where I want it
  • added 2 pages running at enhanced and overdrive update modes respectively
  • Made end of game appearance transparent, with action continuing in the background.
  • Improved tag names
  • fixed problem with restart not working
  • improved collision detection
  • beginnings of comments

r007 2012-07-04:PEC:
  • Added fire button (single shot, level 2 and up)
  • Increased number of animated enemies to 28
  • Changed Game Over font (missing on old XP machine)
  • Altered circular movement of targets

r007a: Fixed problem with collision loop (spontaneous explosions!)

--Performed conversion to G310, fixed a few over sized fonts and added that version to the zip (soon to test with real hardware!)

r008: Made numerous polishing touches:

  • Hero truck is now colored magenta. Some of the images have a transparent background.
  • Added extra lives with indicators
  • Changed missile and enemy travel limit logic
  • Adjusted shield rates to make the game more playable
  • Remodeled control panel


-Missile occasionally gets taken over by Auto program. Sort of a good bug for a video game, so I decided not to fix it yet. I may add a flag later to make this bug selectable.

-Images need black pixels replaced with transparent ones to allow alternative play-field colors/patterns.

-Observed failure to complete a level when hero is sole survivor.

-Still need to tone down speed especially after level ten when using the overdrive update rate (Page3).

Wow, at least in the emulator, Crimson is more than fast enough to reproduce the old school arcade action.

I am still having fun with this thing, tinkering with pattern animation now, but the little blurb of a graphics speed test turned video-game had no spine.

I have successfully inverted the code and wrappered it storybook 2-d shooter style, and will be posting some variation of the Galaga shooter type of level, some mountain jumping. It may be a while before I finish chugging through the new structure, so I can do space invasions and galaga and whatever else. I can't wait to try this on real hardware. Picture a portrait view with the Menu button being a fire button, so you could touch one action and still shoot at the same time, right?

This is cool as he<L...

Wow, I remember being amazed by the Crimson 3.0 script language on first sight, but now with the graphical editor being a work of functional genius...I am in love.

What a powerhouse!

Then, I need to turn the pattern matching game result toward a work related packaging department to convince the powers that they don't need more checkweighers, I can upgrade three they have...they started to understand, but I can prove it with real time sensor (photoeye + PLC position tracking logic)...substitute my exploding truck for cases of patties, and show them how they would flow with my process changes...I think I did spend a couple of hours on the clock with this, polishing and uploading it, so my employer should get something back from that effort.

So, I need cartons flowing around curves, 180 degrees, 45's, two diverters, case check weigh stations, manual stations, carton sealers, then toward the robot area where theres another diverter. This game engine can already position 40 objects and update their data with such quickness...I will be leery about using the Overdrive mode in a production control setting after reading what Red Lion wrote in the help file...

I need some one who understands widgets, to help me make an "Action Figure" widget out of my O tag folder and related graphics elements too.

G3 Truck Shoot 'em Up r001

This one is almost playable...minor tweaking could make it more challenging. It allows multiple missiles to be fired with no minimum delay between. This makes it unfair. The other changes are numerous. I turned the program inside out as far as logic flow, and this would enable further expansion and addition.

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