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mac 50 hmi

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I am having sum minor problems with mac 50 hmi using mpp designer the problem is that to display my pages i am using a data register so what ever number is in the register is the required page. from using e series hmis with e designer all i have done in the past is gone into settings and set my register as new page in the mac 50 the box for this is blacked out and it only allows you to input for the current page it is displaying (i have tried to input my register into here but it has no effect) i have also tried on the header for each block but this will only let you input a coil and not a register i would be very grate full for any help on this matter
If you are using a version 2.x Mac50 you are quite correct, the new display reg is greyed out, however, if it is a version 3.x you have, the box is not greyed out thus you can use the same way as an e-series. To make the screens appear as you need, you need to set the display signal in the block header to address perhaps an M coil in the PLC. If you set this coil for a second or two, the Mac will load the block with the relevant display signal. Bear in mind though you must have only one reference of a display coil in the HMI project!

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