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29.01.2004. Hi,Frieds!!! 1)We want to connect PC (operation system win200 or win/xp with usb port to Modicon plc by Modsoft software. We use cable usb to D9type. 2)We want to connect pc (operation sys.win/xp) with Rs232 port to Modicon plc by Modsoft software. Remark:We succsefull to connect pc win200 with Rs232 to Modicon plc by Modsoft software. With best regards Alex Krashevsky and Uri Shabat.
You're trying to run old DOS software under Windows XP with a USB adapter? Modsoft doesn't even like being run in a DOS shell, and hates fast computers (but not as bad as Symate from SQD). Break down and buy a 32-bit programming software, it will make your life so much easier. I've used ProWORX NxT (also not obsolete, but at least a Windows product) and the crappy ProWORX 32 under Windows 98/2000/XP through a USB to serial adapter with no problems. I would recommend www.fast-soft.com for their PLC Workshop for Modicon, which is a true 32-bit application and is half the price of Modicon's newer (and buggier) ProWORX 32.
Guest Berry Geerts
Hello, we are 2 strudents form holland and we are tying to de the same thing, (connect a modicon plc using motbus with a rs232 connector of a pc running win2000). The application we would like to connect with is a Delfi application. Maybe we could stay in contact, my Email= Bgeerts@hsbos.nl

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