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connect motbus with a delfi application

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Guest Berry Geerts
We have the following problem: We use AV panels to create a man machine interface for a machine, in stead of this panel we are going to use a panelpc. We use a Modbus protocolWe would like to create a low cost connection using the modbus connector of our PLC and the rs232 of our panelpc. The panelpc will run a Delfi application. We don’t know if it’s possible. Do we need a driver? And where can we find this driver. If there aren’t any drivers, is it possible to encode the modbusprotocol so we can make our own driver?? The Plc we use is a Modicon Quantum. Bgeerts@hsbos.nl
Guest Alan A.
You will need some type of Modbus OPC sever to talk to the PLC with Delphi software. We are currently doing a project with 5 Modicon PLCs and other devices that uses Modbus commucation. No problems so far.

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