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Great news. Going to check it out. Got to say, Mitsubishi Europe's automatic email notification for new software updates and the fact that you can download the software from the site is a great service!
Just had a quick look and first impressions are positive :) Full slave configuration in GX Works2 itself, support for intelligent function module and very detailed intelligent function module monitor support. It seems profibus is finally recognised in GX Works2 :)
Glad to hear it go released in Europe now. MEAU just introduced a similar software service where customers can sign into the website and download the latest versions of all their titles. It is nicer than their old method of email links. I just got my access...
http://www.adroit.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=233&Itemid=38 Why support the old software. Confusion and vacillation in Mitsubishi.
Hi, Finally decided to try IQ Works, downloaded all five parts of archive and bat-file, put them into one directory on data disk (the path of directory is D:\Mitsubishi\IQ ) , run bat-file and... nothing effect... The files are not unpacked... Don't understand what it still need from me... Free disk space is more than enough... Do you have an ideas?
Read the batch file in a text editor. I think you need to strip those long numbers off the front of the filename. The UK website adds those to downloads. I bet the batch file is looking for shorter file names.
At their page is written not to change name of files!... Moreover, except the long prefix Mitsubishi UK division added viruses. So the package was thrown to the bin, and the system had to restore ...
Can a ladder program be used in structured type project? It seems there are some limitation using ladder with structured ladder in the same Task or even in the same program. Why is that? Using GX Works 2, 1.77F and Q CPU. Thank you.
You can only use one simple ladder program inside a task. This is contrary to structured ladder in which you can string together many pou's that are merged at compile time into one "program" in the plc. It's a limitation of the software. I've been asking this feature to be implemented for a long time but with no result (instead,we got titles, which is a weird system to divide your simple ladder program into smaller "virtual" parts but it is in essence still one pou). I'm convinced that this would not be that difficult to implement. Each simple ladder program has an END instruction. So wouldn't it be a case for the compiler to strip away each END instruction, merge the pou's within the task to one program and put an end instruction at the end = one program in plc? The interesting thing is: Mitsubishi did implement a similar system for FX in simple ladder with labels. In FX plc's, you can only have one program in the cpu. So they implemented a system where you can merge a number of pou's (max 256 iirc) at compile time into one MAIN program (its called program linkage or something). Which is basically the same as what i'd like to see for multiple simple ladder pou's within one task.
You can mix ladder and structured ladder in a structured project. Each POU of ladder has to have its own task and it's own program. Multiple POUs of structured ladder can be combined in a single POU and single program. The only exception is the FX, where you cannot use ladder in a structured project.
Posted (edited)
Mitsubishi is getting these new versions out fast. 1.95 has been released in Japan. I wonder what they will do at 1.99? Start preparing for a 2.00 or continue with 1.100 (as they did with GX Developer). In any case, i have the impression that they are ramping up support for CC IE. They also have a sensor system called AnyWire ASLink (iQ sensor solution) which seems to become integrated into GX Works2 aswell. In the what's new section, there is mention of a QnUDV cpu. Anyone heard something about this? Edited by Mitsu
AnyWire is not a Mitsubishi network, it's an open network which Mitsubishi is compatible with, just like DeviceNet or Profibus. Don't see it over here in the US. Not sure what part of the world AnyWire is big in. Changes are they will keep going right past 1.100 just like GX Developer, which is at 8.109. And GT Works2, which is at 2.111. They are rapidly making changes, and I have to give them credit for listening better to feedback from users. Quite a few of the things I have complained to MEAU tech support about over the years have been resolved in GX Works2. I am not saying it's perfect, but it's light years ahead of GX Developer.
I don't know if this is the right topic to put question about GX Works 2 (1.77F), or if I should start a topic with all the questions, but the problem: - I want to record the instantaneous values of a set of registers (from D10-D100 and X100-X400 for example). I have tried to use Watch, but it can not record the values. I also find difficult to use Watch, the F3 key in GX IEC Developer was very handy in adding new devices for monitoring in Entry Data Monitor. EDM was also capable of recording values. Are there any other possibilities for monitoring devices in GX Works 2? I'm not yet familiar with GX Works software, so I am going to have some questions in the future. Thank you.
Posted (edited)
@WKla: you can use watch windows or device batch monitor to monitor devices. Device batch monitor is probably better suited if you need to monitor a continous block of devices (which is the case for you). Since 1.8x (can't remember exactly but i think it was 1.87), device batch monitor has the option to display the device comments in the device batch monitor window which makes it a lot more useful (that is if you are using device comments instead of labels) Watch windows is useful if you want to monitor mixed devices (not belonging to a continous block) and you can monitor devices while your code is displayed (which is not the case with Device batch monitor which opens it's own window). Watch windows does lack some option to batch insert a range of variables (e.g. starting from D10, i want to batch insert 90 devices) or the F3 option from IEC. However, there is a little trick to insert a batch of devices which i often use for Watch windows. If you go to the device comments, you can batch select D10 to D100, copy, and paste it straight into the watch window. Not sure what you mean by recording instantaneous values. Do you want to record them at a particular time (when something happens in your code)? If you just want to save the values of the devices, you could use a dwr. Edited by Mitsu
If you are looking to RECORD data in the PLC, then you need to look at Sampling Trace. The other tools are exactly as described: MONITOR windows. They do not offer any form of logging.
I have tried with "drag&drop" from the global label to Watch and it works. The function I look for is a combination of functions "Read from PLC" and then "Write to file" available on right click on EDM window. (GX IEC Developer). It is also very difficult to use "Structured Data Types". After defining a variable as global label and setting the addresses of the variable, if the variable is moved in another place or copied, the address is lost. It is also lost when performing "Write to csv file". There are any ways to output, print, save or anything, the addresses of those structured data types? Because the information is lost, I had to reenter the addresses twice.
I'm not familiar with GX IEC but you can read/write devices using a DWR. You can, however, not write X-device (inputs) values to the plc. The dwr system is quite flexible in GX Works2 since you can make all sorts of custom dwr's mixing all sorts of devices, device types and formats. In your case, you could make a custom dwr ranging from D10 to D100. You can then read the values from the plc and they are automatically saved in the dwr. You can then write the values to the plc,... You can export/import the values to excel,... So my suggestion would be to experiment with the dwr for reading and writing values to/from the plc + saving them,... I think you will find what you need. As for the Structured Data Types, you can not export them at present (hopefully, this is coming in the future). However, since version 1.87 (iirc), you can alter a definition of a structured datatype without losing the contents. Previously, when you altered the structure of the SDT, all devices were lost. I'm not sure if you loose the contents when you copy them but that doesn't seem that bad since you will never attach the same devices to 2 sdt variables.
You'd have to write ladder logic. In GX Developer you cannot create functions. In GX Works2, you can create functions and function blocks. In the future, please start a new topic. This one is supposed to be about iQ Works, not GX Developer.
Posted (edited)
If i were Mitsubishi, the first thing i would do to improve GX Works2 at this point, more than anything else, is develop and integrate one unified and complete system of IntelliSense across all editors (simple ladder/structured ladder/structured text/watch window/...) with auto variable name completion and filtering on datatype. Imo, it would make a really big difference in the software, especially in structured ladder but also throughout the entire package. The next thing i would do is improve all the editors: make the simple ladder editor more powerful (e.g. including an option to insert a text box for code documentation, better support for datatypes and labels,...) and make the structured ladder editor a lot more user friendly. In future, i would like to see one unified ladder editor for both simple ladder and structured ladder (and by that i mean i proper grid based editor that takes care of layout, similar to Siemens TIA step 7 v11). Everything else has been improved a lot since GX Developer and is good. I think it's time they concentrate on the editors themselves at this point. It's one area where i feel that GX Works2 is lagging behind other software packages (e.g. Siemens) Edited by Mitsu
Posted (edited)
An example of a nice intellisense system on variables in another plc programming software package: - the editor senses the datatype of the variable that you want to insert and filters out all the variables that don't match the datatype - the editor auto completes/filters as you type the name - you do not need an additional window to select the variable (which is the case of structured ladder) It's a simple and elegant solution that saves the programmer a lot of time. Edited by Mitsu

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