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Hi I need to use mx active links on Visual basic with a A1S PLC. I have a Visual Basic example, but still completly lost :*-( Anyone use this stuff Thanks...
Are you sure it's called MX Active Links? I was using ActiveX product that fits your description but it's called MX Components. Basically you install it, run the wizard to create connection (you have to give it a number). Use same wizard to test it out or try the sample utility and see if using created connection you can read and write PLC memory. Than use provided samples and make link to connection you made before (remember you had to assign it som number? we decided to simply use COM port number but it can be any number you like - 13 maybe?).
You are rigth about the name, it's MX Component Version 2.00A I try to make a connection with the wizard but nothing Have no ideia about with parameter is wrong, PLC Type: I supose that a A1SCPU is the same that A1S(S1) Controlo: I use a SC-09 cable, have no idea with serial parameter is rigth, but i try it all Help please
Well, so far you are on the right track... That's the correct CPU and cable selection. If you are connecting SC09 straight to CPU port and to PC, this should be piece of cake. Ok here are some samples Setup#1 QnA PLC is master of a smll CC-Link network. On that network, one of the slaves is G4 module which has same port like your CPU. Connection between G4 module and PC is simply SC09 cable: Serial, COM7, 10000 G4, QnA, 38400, DTR or RTS Host Station, Q2AS(H), Module 0 PLC_1 You will probably only have to change CPU to A1S and instead of G4 choose CPU port. Setup#2 using straight connection PC<>PLC using RS232 cable: Serial, COM9, 10000 CPU, Q06H, 57600, DTR or RTS Host Station, None, PLC_2 Each connection will have a number you have to choose. For example for first connection we used 7 and for second we used 9 because those are the COM port numbers. You do HAVE TO create working connection using wizard before you can do anything else. Normaly this is not too hard. We used it on all kind of CPUs and networks (the samples above use only RS232 because you are using SC09). Note that MX components v2 is a bit old. It will work fine for what you need in this project but it doesn't support all connectivity you'd expect. Some of the CPUs are not supported and you cannot talk to local node unless it's same CPU family as master etc.
It work's just fine :dance: :dance: If anyone need to use this stuff, here is my basic example By the way, anyone now how to use the ReadBuffer, ReadDeviceBlock, WriteBuffer and the WriteDeviceBlock methods????
It should be the same thing. You need to specify data type (D or M for example). When transfering block of data use ReadDeviceBlock and WriteDeviceBlock.

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