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Ok, I've got one more problem. I'm using a D register for my screen switching device. The contents of this D register is retained on power cycles, and it's common for the GOT to be powered off when the PLC is not. On the F900GOT, on power up, it would always set the screen to 1. On the GOT1000 (GT1030, specifically), it doesn't do this. What ever screen it powers off on it returns to on power up. This is annoying 'cos many of my screens use "previous" as the exit, but when it powers up, there's no previous, so you're stuck. I've looked around extensively to see if there's a way to solve this in settings, but I'm not seeing it. Help? Thanks!
Posted (edited)
There are two thingsthat you good try. I have tested them but I think should work: 1) You could just writea script that copy's your D register to a GD register which would be yourscreen switching device. If thescript has run on startup It would start with screen 1 2) In GT Designer underCommon you have the function Status observation. This will allow you to create a handshake with the PLC. If the handshake fails than you can set 1 again in your screen switching device so it starts with screen 1 when screen is turned on again. These are just some things that came to mind when I read your post. Maybe someone has an easier/better solution. Edited by Gambit
Thanks. I occurred to me that I had used the screen switch value in the program, but it seems I quit doing anything with it years ago. Just using a GD register cleared up the problem. For some reason setting anything in observe status messes up the screen saver mode (screen always off). I'll figure out why later...

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