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I am using an L02 serie PLC with an L77mh4 controler and a CClink module. I have what I know is a small program that I try to transfer to the cpu via ethernet. I want to write the program file ( not parameter + program ) amd I receve This message: Exeeds capacity of the specified drive. check drive ccapacity, then execute again. < ES:010a41cf >. I realy puzzle by that error Guy
Seems like the volume is already full by "something".... Have you downloaded any user files or anything? You can see with the blue bar that it almost fills, this indicates that there is a memory usage in the PLC, hence there's not room for anything more.... You could try to clear the whole memory, then download the project again...
Yes, if you format the memory, all data will be lost. But when you transfer parameter+program the program/parameter will be downloaded again. However, any values stored in data registers will be cleared. You will have to upload the values and maybe save them to a csv file, and then download the values again if you wish to retain them. Maybe someone else has a better idea? I'm not too familiar with GX Works 2 yet....
Did you download comments? That will take up space. You created multiple programs, and by default each has 500 steps reserved for online edit space. So 10 programs x 500 steps is 5000 steps of program code. If you renamed programs, the programs may still exist in the CPU under their old names. Data is not automatically removed from the processor. In the Tool Menu, select Confirm Memory Size, and select the items you intend to download. This will tell you how much room is required.
At the end of the day yesterday I format the plc memory via the online data operation and this morning I upload my program and everything seem's A OK. One thing, Im not so use to work With Mitsubishi, so when I say Program I mean The '' ensemble '' of the job to be executed by the PLC, in this program I have 14 sections witch are called program in mitsubishi and intend to create 62 yes 62 others for the rest of the operation. I gess I will have problem. Guy
Yes. When you get tot he Write to PLC screen, see the Details button next to Program? Click that and you can change it. It can be set different for each program, or set globally for all programs. Keep in mind, if you have 60 programs (max for L02CPU) and you cut the online edit down to 100 steps, that's still 6000 steps of code occupied. Your processor only has 20k.

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