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Hi. Need your help... When I try to download data (make backup) from e1022,terminal make an error. It reboot and i have a transmission error. At the start of downloading,everithing look normal. Data transmits to PC,but when terminal send DRV CONF ,it reboot thenself,and communication shut down. I use E 1022 E Designer 7 CAB 30 After that I try to send new project from PC to terminal,and it works good.. help me,please
What do you mean exactly with "download (make backup) from e1022" ? For downloading a driver from PC to E1022 it is the best, to use a real RS232 with CAB30. USB2Serial adapters sometimes crash. When download starts, you see on the PC a status screen. Does it counts "retries"?
Posted (edited)
Backup means download project files from terminal to Edesigner. I want to make some modifications. When download starts, i can see 0 retries. It downloads all blocks of program (block0.block1.... alarms),then last thing I can see on Status is downloading "expansion ports".On the terminal I see TX Blok.. then TX DRV CON. After that terminal is rebooting thenself.I dont know why... screenshot Edited by sramo3
I never used the "Receive" function for the E-Series. But it looks to me very much like a problem with the RS232. Do you use an USB2Serial adapter? What settings did you choose for the "Communication Properties". Did you try lower speed, e.g. 38400?

I am trying to take a copy of a programme from an E1012 screen but keep having this exact problem.

Have tried 2 laptops and 2 cables.

One direct connection and One using a usb to serial converter.  Tried various speeds  and always the same.

Gets to 7% and shows drv conf but then the screen will reboot and download stops  

Anyone got any idea?? 

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