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Mitsubishi QJ71E71-100 Communications with Schneider Electric VFD using Ethernet/IP

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I have a Mitsubishi Q-Series PLC with a QJ71E71-100 Ethernet card. I have a Schneider Electric 400HP VFD with a "VW3A3316" Etherrnet/IP communications module installed. Has anyone out there ever tried to control this type of drive using a Mitsubishi Controller. Any help woudl be appreciated.. Thanks.....
Veganic is right. If I recall, Ethernet/IP uses some low-level programming, and the E71 card don't allow you to program on that low-level. E71 card supports programming of TCP/IP Socket communication, but nothing lower than that.
I am finding out that I may need a QJ71MT91 card to talk to these drives. If I use this card to talk to the 2 drives, do I have to keep that "Network" seperated from my other Ethernet devices. I plan to add 2 Yaskawa Drives using a CM092 Ethernet/IP card. Will I be able to run these drives through the same QJ71MT91 Card? Thansk a million for your posts..... Mike
Are you thinking that the Yaskawa Communication module will work OK with that QJ71MT91? Both of the modules (Schneider Electric and Yaskawa) were designed to talk to an AB PLC (which we have done previously with great ease). Just wanted to get your opinion. You guys have helped me out tremendously... Hats off to you guys... M
I don't know about the Yaskawa device, but the VW3A3316 is for Altivar 61/71 drives and supports EtherNet/IP, the industrial protocol managed by ODVA. I have had to use different cards to use ModbusTCP and Altivar 71 drives, so I would assume unless there has been a design change this card won't work for you even if you switch the Mitsu card... a brief google search showed that as a ModbusTCP card. Do you want the VW3A3310d card for ModbusTCP comms? That still may not solve the Yaskawa issue... that is for EtherNet/IP as well (well, google said so with Rockwell Logix directions....) so you would likely have to swap that out to a ModbusTCP card. Or switch to an EtherNet/IP capable PLC...
The Vendor I purchased the PLC and VFD hardware from spec'd out the Mits Card to communicate with the Altivar 61 Schneider Drive. I am hoping that they know what they are talking about. I did some digging on the Schneider Electric site and found that the VW3A3310 Module is Obsolete. There is a VW3A3310D which is described as a Modbus TCP/IP Daisy Chain Module for Altivat 61/71. The VW3A3316 is described as a Modbus TCP/IP module for Altivar 61/71. It sounds like the same card only without the Daisy Chain capability. Thanks....Mike
Modbus/TCP and Ethernet/IP are totally different protocols. One will not talk to the other. So if you use the MT91 module on the Mitsubishi, you need to use Modbus/TCP on the drives (all of them!). Mitsubishi has just released an Ethernet/IP module for Q Series. It's a C CPU with a dedicated software package on it. See the link below. http://www.meau.com/eprise/main/sites/public/Products/Networks/Ethernet_IP/Default

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