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Anyone on here ever use the Murr/Mac MMM? It is a Mac Air Valve Manifold that has a Murr elektronics Ethernet adapter on it. My pnematic sales guy is wanting me to try it. Looks pretty clean and easy to use. I am wondering about how well (reliable) the E-net communication will be. By the way this machine has 5 resistance welding heads on it. Will the magnetic field generated by the welding cause a problem with the E-Net. Weld transformers are 120kva all firing simultaneous. Any help would be greatly appriciated Travis
Travis, I can tell you that I have used the Murr/Mac Manifold with great success. However it was not for welding, it was for shooting a pig to clean out 2" SS pipe. There are a lot of good tools on their website to help out with configuration. We used devicenet, not ethernet though, but the communication modules on the manifolds are interchangeable, so I can't see you having any issues based off of your explanation of your setup. Good Luck and happy programming. Jack Dempsey

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