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Good morning I have just upgraded my factory talk software to version 6. I have been given an APA file to update some mimics etc. However, when I try to open the file in viewstudio it starts to open then errors out. Something like, cant open the physical file.....pathway...operating system error 5 (access denied) Any suggestions??? Best Regards Alex
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I have 6.0 at home so if you post the .apa file I can see if I get the same error. Do you know what version it was originally created in? I have seen errors in the past when trying to bring an earlier into 6.0 but I can't remember the exact ones at this time. Also, see this thread and maybe it will help.... http://forums.mrplc.com/index.php?showtopic=22565&st=0&p=108816&hl=factorytalk&fromsearch=1entry108816
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