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Hello everyone; We need to change an I/O configuration on an old S5 PLC with all distributed I/O. I have looked through the manuals we have on site, and am having difficulty finding the proper area describing this procedure. Or I'm looking right at it, and not understanding. We have a Simatic S5 115U 942B CPU, with an IM306 comm card with numbers 6ES5-308-3UA12, and there are six remote I/O stations. We need to alter the last of the six stations, removing some of the last unused I/O cards to make room for something else. The remote rack with the I/O we are deleting is an ET 100U 6ES5-318-8MA12, with 10 input cards 6ES5-431-8MC11, and then 20 relay outputs 6ES5-452-8MR11, on 15 bases 6ES5-700-8MA11. Right now we've deleted four output cards and disconnected the wires from two of the input cards, and left two of the backplanes plugged in, but empty. The system works, but now we need to delete more cards, and will have to unplug the unused backplanes, perhaps even moving some output cards down the backplanes by eliminating some of the input cards too. I'm sure we'll be delving into a HEX based I/O config file, and have looked for that without success. We have limited time to try changes between production runs. So if someone knows of a downloadable manual will show me where to find the configuration file, and how to modify it, it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance, speakerman.
Here is the link for the manual for the 5ES5 308 3UA12 interface card. http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/1109473 When used with ET100 remote i/o the interface card will have an EPROM module plugged in - this holds the i/o addressing details for the ET100 stations and is programmed with COM ET100 software.
Hey Moggie, this is what I was looking for in the CPU module, never thought to look at the comm module. Lesson learned, thanks very much. speakerman.
Hey again, Moggie; Well, I've been looking for any information on the software described, and can't find any copies of the COM ET100 software. Do you know where would we be able to find a copy? Is there a software manual so I can read through the procedures, which will help to understand the process. I also can't see an EPROM module on the comm cards. The model numbers I have are 6ES5, not 5ES5, so does that make a difference? Searching the Siemens website I also cannot find any reference to the part numbers we have or the COM ET100 software. Is there a specific method to search that site more in-depth? Typing in the part number usually goes to all documents and references, so perhaps these parts are just too old, and the data isn't there. I do need to figure out how to do this, as we are paring away this old S5 system and need to make room in the cabinet, so as we delete cards the backplanes eventually need to come off with them. For now we have two empty backplanes plugged in and empty, and things booted up okay, and I think the next phase will be alright as well. After that we're going to have to start removing backplanes as it isn't feasible to completely replace the PLC at this point. Plus this has raised concerns since there are other remote I/O configurations in the rest of the plant, and this shows us we have no real way to assess or repair them should something go wrong. I'd really like to get the process of establishing I/O and modifying it hammered down both for the process we have undertaken, and the security of the rest of the plant. Any help with that would be greatly appreciated. I've attached a couple of pictures of the installation if that helps to visualize what I'm dealing with. thanks, speakerman.
Hey people; Here's an update for anyone who follows this process. Moggie has helped to find everything needed so far, and looking through the manuals it appears all distributed I/O using ET100U modules must have an EPROM in the 308-3UA12 communications card that establishes the I/O configuration. I'll be able to confirm this by examining the card when we are down next month. The remote base controlling ET100U modules each have a dip switch that sets their ID number, and the EPROM located in the remote master 308-E card tells each ET100U how many backplanes it should have, and what the I/O numbers are for each card. I've dug through the drawers and located and old Prommer, a 6ES5695-0AA11, and a spare EPROM module. I've installed the COMET100 software for the Prommer, and it boots just fine. We are currently trying to locate the proper cables for the Prommer and get things talking. The COMET100 software looks simple enough, and I think we have all pertinent manuals now. The next step is to try and get the Prommer to write a new config onto the spare EPROM, and the challenge of that will be to work through the DOS shell for port access and interface. We'll see how it goes. I'll post the results of how this turns out, so if someone ever needs to do this, there's a full story - hopefully with a happy ending. Thanks again to Moggie for offering so much help. speakerman.
Well, it looks as though the idea will be scrapped and we won't be reconfiguring the I/O structure, as we are going to have the opportunity remove the entire S5 PLC at once. I admit to being more comfortable with that, it's a known quantity. It's fun figuring out some of the old legacy products, but we can't afford to risk losing $18,000 per hour to play around. Happy programming, speakerman.

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