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Hi! Maybe you can help me on this. Do you know some tutorials for VB linking to Mitsubishi Q series PLC. Example: 1. Monitoring 16 bit and 32 bit data. 2. Monitoring bits devices like ( M,B,L) Project is all about monitoring only with provision for control in the future. Thanks!
I think you have to install MX Components on every machine, and yes I believe you'll have to pay for each license (someone correct me if I'm wrong). You have provided very little information about what exactly you want to do, but here's a couple of suggestions: Install MX Components on a server and make the variables accessible via a Windows service that you connect to via your VB applicationInstall MX Components on a server and create a website, then the computers can access all the information via a web browserPlease provide a little more information, maybe we have some other suggestions....
I'm sorry for that. Anyway, my project is to monitor 4 remote areas using Mitsubishi SA1-III software and I want to build the graphics in VB application. The project is for monitoring only and provision for control. I need to monitoring flow rates, liquid levels, pump status,ph level. Customer wanted a very good graphics. Maybe you have suggestions to facilitate their requirement. Thanks
The SA1-III has window for VB exe files. It's setup is not that complicated but the only problem is you have to build graphics in VB platform. Any VB program made can run in this software but in this case I need to run it with OLE also. Anyway, you might be able to help me create VB projects linking to Q series PLC.
OK, Since it is a Mitsubishi product, are you sure that there are no drivers that you can hook up to in your VB app? Maybe it comes pre-installed with drivers and/or MX Components? If the hardware and design software can run VB files it sounds strange that there's no driver you can hook up to in the VB app.... Maybe someone on the forum knows, or maybe you should contact your local Mitsu distributor...
I've tried to search for this software on the internet without luck. I've also been to my Mitsubishi portal and cannot find the software there either. Is this really a Mitsubishi software? If not, what company makes the software?
It is from Mitsubishi Electric System Service in Nagoya, Japan. It is one of their SCADA software but some agents refer to it as a very complicated soft. I have attended the training for this, the thing is about the graphics which is made in VB platform and I'm not so familiar with that and is my problem right now.
Well, since it is a SCADA or "SCADA-Like" system there has to be Mitsubishi drivers in it, a SCADA software without drivers is useless.... It could be you need to connect to OPC service in the SCADA but I think you can do that in VB....

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