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Trajexia Motion controller - Program corruption issue.

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Dear Friends, We have one Plasma cutting machine which has an OMRON Trajexia Motion controller. Some times Trajexia motion controller program memory getting corrupted. So every time I'm reprogram the motion controller and after two three weeks it is getting corrupted so any solution to avoid this. Thank You, Chinthana
Plasma cutters can generate some nasty electrical issues if they are not properly grounded and shielded. The first place you should look is the wiring. Make sure everything is grounded properly and the control wiring is all shielded from the plasma system.
You should "Fix the program to EPROM". This can be done from the Online menu in CX-Motion Pro / Trajexia Studio. You will also need to go into the terminal window and type POWER_UP = 1. This will cause the controller to boot from EPROM. If the program is already fixed into EPROM and you are already booting from EPROM, then you will need to investigate trying to isolate the controller from the machine noise (not a bad idea anyway). If program changes are made in the future however, the program will need to be fixed into EPROM again, otherwise when power is turned off and back on, the program changes will be gone.

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