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Has anyone else tried to use the "Advanced" program example for the FX3 dedicated inverter library? The function block seems to work ok. The sample program doesn't. It compiles and downloads ok but gives a "Ladder Error" I have screen grabs of the offending code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The general question is how can a program which compiles ok give ladder errors when downloaded? The specific question is what is wrong with this sample program/my use of it?
This is what I get.... If I upload load with GX developer I get lots of yellow errors. If I delete two networks from the original program I can get it to "work".
Do you have any other program than just the inverter prog? I've encountered this error in the past and this was caused by too many "AND" instructions (the instructions without _E inputs). In essence the "AND" does not have an LD instruction in front, and too many of these can cause the error in question. If you have any other programs/POUs or similar try removing them and then download just for a test. If not, try browsing to the specified error step and take a screenshot.
I tried just using the sample program alone. I'll have to go back to the start and record all stages. Thanks for you help so far. The general question still remains, why will the software compile and download cdoe that leads straight to a ladder error.

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