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Hi, I'm creating a function block for a bespoke job. It's a moving average using a FIFO stack. The problem is the FIFR and FIFW functions only support INTs, whereas I need the high resolution a REAL provides. Any ideas on how I might go about writing to a FIFO stack ARRAY OF REALs? Many thanks, Owain
Hi, We discussed this issue here for several times. The search in the forum with 'FIFO' keyword can help you.
I still can't find anything about using REALs in a FIFO stack. I have my own FB for doing it with INTs, but still no joy on REALs.
Did you read carefully the topics, shown by search with "FIFO" keyword? For purposes of FIFO creation the REAL data format is a full equivalent of DWORD or DINT data format, because you don't modify the contents of registers, and just shift (copy) it ! Look, for example, this topic: http://forums.mrplc.com/index.php?showtopic=19700&st=0&p=94644&hl=fifo&fromsearch=1entry94644 With what commands is better to make FIFO, which shifts the REAL data, depends on the PLC type only. You have not specified for what type of PLC you want to create your FB.

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