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Posted (edited)
Hi All, We recently added QJ71E71-100 ethernet modules to two Q01 CPU racks so that we could remotely connect them to a SCADA. This all worked fine. I now have the challenge of establishing comms between the two CPU's to exchange some silo level values. The CPU's are programmed in GX Works2. I found on the Mitsubishi web site some function blocks (http://www.meau.com/eprise/main/sites/public/Industry_Solutions/Custom_Solutions_Center/default) that I could use to get things going. However when I add them to my project and compile them I get a compile error: "Program compile Device or address is out of range. Please check the device setting in PLC parameter or check the program whether the device out of the range is not used" The problem is these blocks are read only so I can't see what the device addreess that is out of range is. Does anyone know how I can overcome this issue? Is there any easier solution without the use of these function blocks? Many thanks Rich Edited by Marshy
Check that you have enough addresses allocated to the automatic assigned variable pool. that's typically what causes this. The function blocks should not use any direct addresses inside, simply the data fed in through the inputs. Tools menu
Thanks for the reply, I'm pretty new to the world of Mitsubishi so I may not be doing something right? I opened the function block sample project, changed the CPU to a Q01, After changing the CPU I get the warning that the device/ label automatic setting was changed and that I must specify the setting again I then increase all the ranges (see attached pic) rebuild all. I then get 25 errors consisting of the following 3 types: No. Result Data Name Class Content Error Code 1 Error Open_Connection_QJ71E71 Program compile Device or address is out of range. Please check the device setting in PLC parameter or check the program whether the device out of the range is not used.(Ladder Block No.1) F1004 No. Result Data Name Class Content Error Code 4 Error Open_Connection_QJ71E71 Program compile Invalid characters(Ladder Block No.7) C1009 No. Result Data Name Class Content Error Code 6 Error Open_Connection_QJ71E71 Program compile The data type of the input variable 'Un' is incorrect.(Ladder Block No.10) C2025 When I click in the error I get this message: Cannot display the library because it is not in an editable state Have I edited the device/ label automatic settings correctly? Is the Q01 CPU able to do this task? Thanks again, Rich
You will find the variable settings for the compiler here (picture). Make sure you don't go into the area you have in the global variable list. The communication blocks use a lot of integers, so start to increase the area for the D-devices. I don't normally work with GX Dev. so I might be corrected. device_label_settings.bmp
As your screen shot shows, those addresses DO NOT EXIST in your PLC. Look at counters ©. They are configured for 0-511, yet you are trying to use C1009 and C2025. In PLC parameters you can resize the memory ranges. But my guess is that the function block was written for a larger CPU with larger counts of memory addresses.
I increased the size of the counter memory but it made no difference. I think the C1009 and C1025 are just error codes. Thanks for the suggestion Rich
Posted (edited)
Attached is a screen shot of the device/ label automatic setting of the Q06UDEH the sample project is using. I'm now starting to think the Q01 CPU is just not up to the job. Edited by Marshy
What are the function blocks exact name (name of the library or .zip file)? It might be as you say that the Q01 is not up for the task, however let's take a look at the FB's first. Let us know the name(s)
Posted (edited)
The library name is Comm_Lib_QJ71E71_Rev1 The FB's are: Open_Connection_QJ71E71 Buffer_Send_QJ71E71 Buffer_Recieve_QJ71E71 Close_Connection_QJ71E71 You can download them using the link in my first post Cheers Edited by Marshy
Here was the problem: Mitsu have used Z10 and Z11 for indexing which doesn't exist in Q01. I've reprogrammed all the function blocks to use Z2 and Z3 instead which makes it work for the Q01. Poor from Mitsu, but I guess they only tested it on a QnU series... See attached file, and remove the ".txt" extension to get a valid ".sul" library and import it as normally. Comm_Lib_QJ71E71_Rev2.sul.txt
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You've made my day! Thanks so much, it worked perfectly! How were you able to look inside the FB to determine the issue? Have a great weekend! Rich
No problem, to open: Just right click the library and select "Open". The library with it's function blocks will open to look around inside. Mostly Mitsu don't password protect the libraries...
On 2014/7/18 at 11:26 PM, kaare_t said:

Here was the problem: Mitsu have used Z10 and Z11 for indexing which doesn't exist in Q01. I've reprogrammed all the function blocks to use Z2 and Z3 instead which makes it work for the Q01. Poor from Mitsu, but I guess they only tested it on a QnU series... See attached file, and remove the ".txt" extension to get a valid ".sul" library and import it as normally. Comm_Lib_QJ71E71_Rev2.sul.txt

Hi kaare_t, I need this comm lib, but not see the attachment,  can you post again or send me a copy, thx very much.


Looks like Mitsu have removed the library we were discussing earlier. In any way, the original library would have worked since you are using Q02 (and not Q01 which was the problem for the original poster).

Here's a link to the newer library from Mitsu. You can download it directly from their website. Designed for GX Works2, structured ladder:

If you run into issues using the library, please post a new topic so that everyone can help out. It looks like all old "Followers" have been untagged, so no one is looking into this old topic anymore.

Good luck :-)

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