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Hello all, I am going to do some tests on various devices controlled by a PLC. I was trying to make a test board for the PLC including a few switiches, LEDs for digital input and output. Is such a test board or kit available in the market? If not, how do i go ahead and make one. Any suggestions please. Also to test the analog inputs I need a signal generator to generate 4-20mA and 0-10V signals. Please suggest a medium ranged signal generator. Thanks.
Check these guys out: http://www.plccable.com/plc-trainers-kits/ I can't endorse their trainers (since I've never used any of them) but we've had good service out of their aftermarket programming cables.
If you have no idea how to make your own test board, then I highly recommend you stay as far away from PLC's as possible until you attain some real hands-on or at least classroom training. I mean, you don't know how to hook up a switch? Come on!
Posted (edited)
Hello, Here is a link for a low priced ma/v generator. It around $260 US but I would consider that low priced compared to the Fluke789 I use. http://www.extech.com/instruments/resources/datasheets/412300A_412355Adata.pdf The 412355A model does both current and voltage. We had someone purchase one a few years back, its not what I would pick for a test tool in an industrial environment, its more like a toy but should work fine for your application. Switches and Led's you can pick up anwhere (Allied Electronics, Newark, Grainger, etc) and are pretty straight forward to connect, also if you are a beginner at this it will be a good learning experience. If you want to just purchase something already built I would also recomend the same company that Joe E. linked you to. The owner is a reputable member of the Forum. http://www.plccable.com/ Good luck with your project. BCS Edited by Bering C Sparky

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