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I have accessed and enabled the "Special" NJ Troubleshooting menus on the NS Touchscreen. Also have a Multifunction pushbutton on a screen that can access the NJ Troubleshooter as shown on the OMRON quick tip video. Now EVERY time there is an NJ error the troubleshooting screen popups up. The NS current screen number in system word $SW0 does not change, only shows last displayed screen. What method can be used to ENABLE/DISABLE whether the NJ troubleshooting screens are shown. Any ideas??
NJ troubleshooter screen is a very powerfull tool for Sysmac maintenance but assuming that you have not defined machine faults in NJ troubleshooter, I wonder if makes sense that machine operator always jumps to that window? In my experience I only access that screen when I push NJ troubleshooting button, so... Maintenance guy will access this window when he wants deeper info
NJ troubleshooter screen is a very powerfull tool for Sysmac maintenance but assuming that you have not defined machine faults in NJ troubleshooter, I wonder if makes sense that machine operator always jumps to that window? In my experience I only access that screen when I push NJ troubleshooting button, so... Maintenance guy will access this window when he wants deeper info

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