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Hi Im new here! Please let me know What cable do you use to program a M340 ? -1- a mini USB ? -2- Ethernet ? -3-RS485? any one can give me a sample test program to test M340? just a dummy simple program to start from there. I appreciate it in advance.
Posted (edited)
All M340 processors have a mini usb slot. Use any usb -----mini usb (5pin. Make sure its not 4 pin). This is cable is normally supplied with digital cameras. Ethernet any patch lead with do. I have yet to find a standard patch lead that didnt work. But you will need a usb to program the ethernet net port on the cpu initially. Have never used the modbus port for programming a m340 Edited by cHud
The specific version of Unity matters for someone to create a test program. Also the CPU in use matters as well, however, you still have not told us what you are using. There are several models of CPU and you select it when you start a new project. If someone sends you a project, it won't work if the CPU is different than what you have.

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