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Hi All, I have a bm85 I am trying to connect to a quantum 984-265 via a bm85-000 base model. I have ports 1-4 configured as P>PORT NUMBER# 1 2 3 4 [1, 2, 3, 4]<T>Port Type master master master master [m, s, n, x]<N>Slave Dev Addr - - - - [1 - 247]<B>Baud Rate 9600 9600 9600 9600 [300 - 19200]<S>Stop Bits 1 1 1 1 [1, 2]<R>Parity even even even even [n, o, e]<M>Mode rtu rtu rtu rtu [a, r]<Y>Priority 1 2 3 4 [1 - 4]<L>Link Timeout - - - - [1 - 3000]<F>Modem Booster - - - - [y, n] V2 Entry for p1 <E1 > [001]= 020 000 000 000 000 v2 entry for p2None configured v2 for entry for p3 <E1 > [002]= 020 000 000 000 000 v2 for entry for p4 <E1 > [001]= 020 000 000 000 000 I am using fastrax plc software to connect. I am using a 990NAA26320 able with the 1/4/6 not connected. According to my cursory glance at the x10 and x1 ports there is a plc on id 20 and high speed controller on id 21 All ports do not provide connectivity. So what am I missing? These all connect back via the 990 cable to a prolific db9 to usb convert then into a laptop.
First, 984-265 is a Compact not a Quantum. Second, a BM85 is used to join serial devices to a Mobdus Plus network. Why not just plug into the serial port on the front of the PLC?

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