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Hello. I have a C20-CPU34E and a PRO15 prgramming console. I'm trying to figure out the lest expensive way to connect to another C20 and download a program that I will then upload into my C20. I'm a newbie to this in general and have no experience with equipment this old So far what I've seen as options from the C20 maual I found are: 1) Use Syswin and a hostlink unit to go from the CPU to a modern PC. Unfortunately I'd have to make my own cable and the hostlink units are going for about $900. 2) Use the programming console I have and try to dump the program to a cassette recorder, then upload the same way. Cassette media makes me nervous. 3) Buy a GPC and connect with a custom cable to the C20 CPU to download and then upload the program. Not sure about these options: 1) Use a 3G2A5-MT01E cassette interface. Does this plug into the CPU and the go out to a recorder the same as the PRO15 console does? 2) Use a PRW04-E prom writer. Does this plug intot he CPU and record the program to EPROM? Then I could upload to the other C20? Anyway, there are a lot of options, some of which I don't understand fully. I', looking for easy and inexpensive. Can anyone with Omron experience help me out? Thanks in advance!
Replace it - it has been dead for 20 years.
Outside of replacing it (which is the best option), option #1 shown below is your only real option these days. 1) Use Syswin and a hostlink unit to go from the CPU to a modern PC. Unfortunately I'd have to make my own cable and the hostlink units are going for about $900. Then you could upload your program to Syswin and eventually convert it to a CP1L PLC or something similar (using CX-Programmer software).
I should have been more clear in my first post. I have a C20 but the backup battery died and it dumped the program. I want to hook up to another machine with a c20 and get a copy so I can upload it onto my first machine. If I have to reprogram from scratch I'm looking at a long process....

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