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Dear experts, I have been trying to flash parameter to QD75MH1 module from PLC. Every time I monitor the servo via GX-configurator QP, I find 0 error, 0 warning but in the history tab it shows "start not possible(108)". But when I did it by flashing the parameter by GX-Configurator QP(Specially invalidating forced stop option" it works fine and servo motor jogs. can anyone help me to write the forced stop value from PLC program?
Hey Sabbir, I looked at the manual for the QD75MH1, it looks like forced stop is parameter 82 and it says you need to write 1 to buffer memory location 35. So try this function: MOV K1 U#\G35 Replace the # with the number of the slot on the rack that your motion module is occupying. If this doesn't work, you might need to use the older version of the command - I forgot the format though, I'll look it up and get back to you.
Ok the other version of the function would be: MOV K1 to some register (D0 for example) So, MOV K1 D0 TO H# K35 D0 K1 # being the position of the motion module on the rack. You can use Pulse version of the functions, MOVP, TOP. If it doesn't work, please get back to us.

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