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C500-CT012 Omron

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From Google translate:


Guys, I need help. I am not able to identify the channels of the fast counter and the channel of the outputs (0 to 7) of the module. Photo attached. If anyone can help me.



I don't have CX Programmer available at the moment but if possible, you could view the I/O Table from the project tree. The starting I/O address would show up when selected.

It's possible the C500 is too old for CX Programmer configuration. Typically, the module would have a "Unit No." selection (rotary dial), but I didn't see one in the manual you provided.

Take a look at the PLC manual (C500, C1000H or C2000H... I'm not sure which you have). The module slot position will likely dictate the I/O addressing. 

For example, each SLOT will occupy 16 bits for simple inputs and outputs. But "Special I/O" requires more, so memory will be allocated at a higher address. Maybe the CPU manual will instruct this.

1 hour ago, IO_Rack said:

Não tenho o CX Programmer disponível no momento, mas se possível, você pode visualizar a I/O Table na árvore do projeto. O endereço I/O inicial seria exibido quando selecionado.

É possível que o C500 seja muito antigo para a configuração do CX Programmer. Normalmente, o módulo teria uma seleção de "Unidade No." (dial giratório), mas não vi nenhuma no manual que você forneceu.

Dê uma olhada no manual do PLC (C500, C1000H ou C2000H... não tenho certeza de qual você tem). A posição do slot do módulo provavelmente ditará o endereçamento de E/S. 

Por exemplo, cada SLOT ocupará 16 bits para entradas e saídas simples. Mas "E/S especial" requer mais, então a memória será alocada em um endereço mais alto. Talvez o manual da CPU instrua isso.

In this module I have these 8 outputs connected, but I can't identify which channel connects them. Very complicated. I've already checked the manual and I couldn't find it. And yes, it communicates with cx-programmer.


  • Solution

In CX Programmer, double click the I/O Table from the project tree. If it shows "Empty" then do a "Transfer from the PLC". This PLC is very, very old so it won't show the module part number, but it will show the size that it occupies. The number in the brackets [0002] is the Channel Number. I believe the CT012 will occupy 64 Bits that will correspond to the table in the manual on page 28.

This is just a guess in my example. If your table looks like this then your outputs 0 through 7 will be 16.00, 16.01...... 16.07. 



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