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Everything posted by Rector

  1. Ok. Thank you very much for the help.
  2. Actually I thought I could access them like "Local Label Program body name"+"."+"Label Name", like other plc software does, is that possible in Gx Works 3?
  3. Hello, I am started working on Gx Works 3 recently, actually want to know if I can access local labels from other program body or can call them to other program body?
  4. Nexgenie 2000 is a product of Mitsubishi but it sold in India only.
  5. Hi, is it available in codesys 2.3?
  6. I am using Nexgenie 2000.
  7. How to use RTU_Master, Get_Bit_Mbus, Put_Bit_Mbus, RTU_CRC16 to process data from RFID reader? I want to take an RFID input an process its data to run a particular rung, any alternative option is also welcome. Thanks in advance.
  8. OK, Thank you very much.
  9. What are the possible reasons of writing error in data logging? Thank you.
  10. Can you tell me how can i use RFID with FX3u or FX5u please?
  11. Ok, Got it . Thank you.
  12. Hello, Greetings everyone, I want to communicate RFID with Nexgenie 2K PLC via serial communication protocol (RS 422), I am using Codesys 2.3 software for the development, may I get any sample program regarding this or someone can suggest me how can I implement my program, Thanks in advance.
  13. I am trying to edit 10 individual variables. like 0 to 9 dec keys.
  14. Yes, I am talking about GOT family. I think I need to develop code in PLC side.
  15. Can I use Bluetooth Module With FX3u or FX5u Series PLC?
  16. I have seen some HMI with this type of Keypad in working condition, if its not possible to implement in HMI end then I think I have to do it PLC coding end thats what I want to know if it is possible or not?
  17. Yes Thats the point I am trying to use a fixed DEC Keypad like in Picture not a POP up Keypad, can I implement that? Thanks in Advance.
  18. Here it is https://filebin.net/01oi0eiyjjciy0qg
  19. Let me elaborate, I have already made a keypad in 'Window Screen', and that is working fine, my desire is that there will be a Keypad in 'Base Screen'. Here I am sharing you a link to download the image. https://tmpfiles.org/download/155929/Screenshot2021-02-10111212.bmp
  20. Yes, I have just checked it and informed same to the admin of this website, is there any other ways I can send you screen shot??
  21. Yes. I have already implemented that, now I want a dec input in the screen which will available in the particular all the time. Please check my concept screen, this might be helpful. Screenshot 2021-02-10 111212.bmp
  22. Hello, I have found attributes what you have suggested in the GT Designer now I want to use Keypad in the screen, not pop up keypad which is generated while tapping in number input, can you help me implementing that Thanks in advance.
  23. Thank you very much for your help. I will definitely let you know if I couldn't find these.
  24. Thanks for the reply, Actually I am unable to populate keycode input to a numeric input, can you help me to use that, for example I will use multiple keycode input append them and use them as a password.
  25. I need a key pad which can be used for numeric input, can anyone provide any sample program. Thank you.
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