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  1. Hi, I am trying to use CIPUCMMSend FB, but when it's executed, nothing happens. I would be happy if I had an error code or something to work with. I succesfully established an implicit connection with the same device and it's working fine. I don't understand since every input value of the function block seems fine and the ethernet port is ready. Has anyone had this issue ? I'm really confused as why it's not executed. My PLC is a NX1P2 and I am using Sysmac Lite ver 1.60 I'm sorry if it is obvious, it's my first time using this block. I searched here and some place else, but I could not find any answers. Thanks,
  2. Hi there! I'm trying to communicate a S7-1500 CPU via Modbus TCP with an CJ2 PLC using a CP1W-MODTC61 card. I configurated the MB_Client and the CP1W-MODTC61 was also configured as the attached files show. The thing is that I could not read any data from the PLC (the registers are in the correct address and memory area) and I tried different combinations until I started to get data (with the correct values) for a moment, even with a configuration I already tried. After that the block kept writing a 8200 error in the status word and no data was received. According to the manual that reads: A different Modbus request is currently being processed via the port. Another instance of MB_CLIENT with the same connection parameters is processing an existing Modbus request. I can confirm that there is no other device doing a Modbus request in either the 1500 or the CJ2, and I only have one MB_CLIENT block in the entire program. So that's where my question comes, is the CPU detecting another "ghost" request, even if there shouldn't be any? Or am I missing something in the CONNECT structure of the block? Thanks in advance for your support! Click to choose files
  3. Hello, I have an Omron HMI. When I try to upload the program, I get a PGK alarm. I would appreciate your guidance. Thank you!
  4. Good afternoon, I've done a bit of research in regards to running a Zebra printer via ethernet from an Omron PLC but there's not much info out there. Has anyone had much success printing barcodes to a Zebra printer from PLC via ethernet? I'm using an Omron NA5 (HMI) which I've designed to displays 12 different buttons indicating different barcodes, but I'm unsure how to link these buttons to the specific barcode files that I've created in Zebra Designer.. Would anyone know how I might be able to accomplish this?
  5. I needed to force upper case letters so that when the operator entered data into specific fields, the letters were always upper case. I created a custom popup keyboard window with buttons for letters and numbers and then added "Clear", "Save", and "Close" buttons to do just as they are called. It is working properly but it updates the field I clicked on and, with the popup window I cannot see what is getting entered. There are multiple different input string fields I am using. How can I see what I am typing on the keyboard screen and link to the appropriate field I am entering the data for. See screen shots. On the "Input Fields" image, the keyboard pops up when I click on the input boxes with the "xxxxxxx".
  6. Hi Guys, I need your help to understand the ladder, what is the meaning of &4200, could be with a limitation number? thanks,charls
  7. I need some help and advice communicating between an Omron PLC and a Keyence KV-5500. My system typically uses an Omron CJ2M-CPU34 which comes equipped with the built in Ethernet IP port. My customer is insisting that we change the CPU in our system to a CJ2H-CPU66-EIP in order to communicate with the Keyence KV-5500. They have not been able to detail why their communications require the CJ2H, they just say they will be using Ethernet TAG communication and for this they need us to change the CPU. Has anyone successfully established communicated between the Omron PLCs and the Keyence? If so how did you do it and which CPU did you use? Is there an .eds file available for the Keyence CPU? Please help!!! They will be visiting from halfway around the globe to test communications in January so I want to be prepared!
  8. I have an interesting problem here... In my program 'OperatorMessages' I use MOVE logic to receieve an integer, and display the visibility of the bit if its ON/OFF, this is stored on a datalamp which displays a color for whatever bit is triggered via HMI (help2.png). I have 2 tags here, HMI.MessageLT and HMI.FuncMSG, they are both under the same UDT and are both INTS. You can see that when Machine.Mode.Auto is SET HMI.MessageLT holds the INT value.When Logic to the Left is RESET the INT value is placed back to 0. So my HMI.MessageLT is working perfectly, BUT the HMI.FuncMsg does not reset its bits. (images below) So you can probably image that on my HMI Data lamps, the DataLamp which takes HMI.MessageLT as a variable dissapears and reappears accordingly with the triggered bits, but the DataLamp which takes HMI.FuncMSG is not dissapearing, so when RESET it still displays as if there is an error because the bit is not resetting. Headache.
  9. Currently updating an HMI from CX-Designer to Sysmac Studios. CX-Designer UI has String Display & Input which allows user to input a new value via keypad, and also displays user specified message for confirmation (Yes or No option / or Message String ). In Sysmac String Display & Input are seperated into 2 different button types. Data Display (Displays Variable Value only, no keypad/input option) & Data Edit (Displays variable value, has keypad/input option). Im looking to click on the DataEdit (or w/e works) , input a value, have a user specified message display. If I click yes, a keypad will show to input the new value, and if I click No it will not input anything. So far I have used a DataEdit button, have my plc tag 'HMI.HMI_Shift1_String' mapped to Global Events to Display my popup message so when I click on the button the keypad first popsup, I enter the value, and press enter, It then displays my popup screen. However when I click "NO" it still submits the value I dont want entered in the DataEdit button. How do I get this "NO" button on my popup to work correctly and not input anything that was registered into the Keypad when pressed and my "YES" Button to register whats in the keypad? NO is currently not connected to any variables so of course it won't close anything. But wondering how I can go about this to configure correctly.
  10. Hi, I have a screen developed for supervisor access only but I would like to have an area to type in a password, and when the password is typed in correctly I'd like it to open a certain page. I'm not experienced with interactive text boxes or keypads etc. Is someone able to help me out determine what I need to do? Thanks
  11. I made an Ethernet connection between an NX1P2 and a CJ2M using network configurator and I already have a real-time data input and output connection in the memory of both plcs. I need to send a 20-byte word and when the NX1P2 is modified in the CJ2M using Sysmac Studio, it receives that string of bits, decompresses each bit to be able to activate the NX1P2 outputs.
  12. Hi! I'm looking for a way to detect if/when a backup has been made to the CF memory card and a way to detect if a backup has been written from the CF memory card to the PLC memory. A counter, a time/date, etc? In short: detect backup and/or restore Application: Trigger an audit log event on a seperate system Any known solutions?
  13. I've setup an Omron NX102 PLC with two CIF105 cards communicating with about 40 MX2 VSD's (20 on each card). Generally it works pretty well. I used the attached document to set up the devices. The links on the document to the examples don't work, so I'm unsure if I missed anything. My problem is that every day, sometimes multiple times a day the communication seems to die. i.e I either loose the output to the VSD and nothing will run. Or it all runs but I loose the feedback, as in I get no running signal even though the drives are running causing a fault in my program. I'm at a bit of a loss as to what might be causing the issue. To resolve it, I put the PLC into program mode and back into run mode and everything is happy again. Has anyone had a similar issue or offer any advise? MX2_Control_Serial.pdf
  14. hello, anyone. I want to ask about file which is I cant open. I was uploding HMI NB series but the file is only .pkg and when I decompile, it cant be done/ failed.. can anybody help me and explaine how is it can be? I use NB3Q-TW01B. thank you.
  15. Hi there! I'm trying to communicate a Weintek cMT2128X with a CP2EN via Ethernet. The thing is I'm getting 'No device response' messages every 2-3 seconds. They'are connected at some point because some values are updated, but the connection error keeps showing up. So far I've checked: - Comm. settings are okay in both sides - Wiring is good - Happens the same with a CJ2 CPU. - There are two arrays of 50 UINT each, I don't know if that's slowing things but that would surprise me... I've worked with Weintek HMIs before (communicating with different CPUs: LOGO!, CP1, CJ2...) and never had this problem. I just set the IP addresses and everything was working fine, so I guess I'm missing something. Hope you can throw some light at this! Thanks in advance
  16. Hi all and good day, I'm working through my workflows with Sysmac studio. I think I have a grasp on the PLC side, now I'm trying to foucs on the HMI side. I have setup some data types on the PLC to store booleans, integers, etc. I am trying to pull the data from those data structures into a value display on the HMI however it is being most difficult. This brought me to two immediate questions. 1. Can you display the value of a local variable on the PLC from the HMI or does it need to be a Global variable? I'm familiar with Java so I do understand the concept of public versus private variables. I'm just not sure if that is what is going on here or if I am just not querying the variable correctly. 2. How would you go about setting up a variable display of a variable that is part of a data structure? I have my structure setup as well as the variable in the table to USE that data type however it is just giving me an error when trying to look at it from the HMI. Any help would be very much appreciated. My apologies in advance if this is a repetitive question. Thanks, Red
  17. Hello, I have problem with Import and Export data from PLC to USB drivers. I want to write script in Subroutine and I have working script in VB language from the Tia portal, Script is in the attachment but when I want to copy the script to Sysmac it gives many errors. Please give me some advice, how to write such a script. CsvToDB.txt DbToCsv.txt
  18. Good morning, I'd like to start by saying that I am new to programming, so please bare with my very simple questions. I'm having issues trying to get a DataLamp on the HMI screen to change its behavior from lamp Off to lamp On after a specific process has been completed (not operated by a button). Is this possible or do lamps strictly operate by using a Button?
  19. Hi All, I'm looking to setup communications between a digital force gauge and an Omron NX-CIF1010 RS232 serial communication interface. Here is the Output Protocol from the Force Gauges Manual: Output Protocol RS-232 Parameter - Baudrate: 9600 - Data-Bit: 8 - Parity: none - Stop-bit: 1 The measured value is requested by the PC by the ASCII Sign “9”. I've tried to follow the youtube video, "How to communicate via RS 232 using an NX CIF to a PC" however setting up communication between the force gauge instead of a PC is proving difficult. How to communicate via RS 232 using an NX CIF to a PC - YouTube This is quite new to me so I'm trying to get my head around it at the moment so please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm reading values from the Force gauge in ASCII and I need to convert those values into another numerical value data type. I've seen in CX-Programmer, ASCII values being converted into Floating Point values using the "FVAL" instruction using Data registers however I can't use the same approach in Sysmac Studio. Do I need to clear the serial buffer everytime before I look to receive a numerical value from the force gauge? Here are details regarding the screenshots I've included below: 1) CIF101 Parameters to read Force Gauge Output Protcol in Sysmac Studio which should be matching the force gauges output protocol. 2) CIF101 IO Map in Sysmac Studio - ** I'm unsure if this is where I need to be linking the "RcvDat" input of the "NX_SerialRcv" function block? 3) CIF101 Sending Data Function Block - "NX_SerialBufClear" function block setup - "port_id" data type has been changed to "_sDevice_Port". 4) CIF101 Receiving Data Function Block - "NX_SerialRcv" function block setup 5) Global Variable - Array [0..3] OF BYTE - used in "RcvDat" input of "NX_SerialRcv" function block 6) Internal Variables Created to send and receive data 7) Force Gauge RS232 Configuration 8) Force Gauge Output Protocol Any help would be greatly appreciated. Paul
  20. Hi there, I need your help. I need to gather NMEA data to my cpu. Whats the proper way to do it? I mean set serial port of cj and then to read ascii characters ?
  21. Hi, Is there a way to write an Event Name to a string variable in Sysmac Studio? I'm using a NJ-301. My problem is that I can detect that there is an error and get the Error Code using functions GetECError, GetMCError, GetPLCError, etc, but I want to get the Event Name associated with the code (in a string variable), to display that string on an HMI (not from Omron). Is this possible?
  22. Hi Guys, I need some suggestion & solution regarding my recent project. The CQM1H plc which was used earlier is burnt and I am replacing it with CJ2M series Omron plc. Program transfer is possible from CQM1H to CJ2M. But the main issue is the system is controlled by Citect SCADA version 5.50 pack C. The communication of plc and Scada is through 2wire twisted pair cable. I just wanted to know when I replace the plc and convert the program do I have to change any settings or parameters in Scada? If I keep the same previous plc parameter in new plc and check the tags correctly in new plc as per old plc then the new system will communicate with Scada? I am new to citect scada so please provide your support and help.
  23. Hi everyone, I have a question for you all, Is possible to configure CJ2M-CPU11 with tags trough network configurator to connect Control Logix PLC using EthernetIP? I did a configuration with CJ2M-CPU31 and Control Logix PLC with no problem, but now I need to communicate CJ2M-CPU11 with Control Logix PLC using EthernetIP. Some of you did this configuration between this two PLC before? Regards!
  24. Hi everyone! I am attempting to read EIP tags from an Allen-Bradley ControlLogix from an Omron NX1P2 using the Sysmac Studio function block "CIPUCMMRead." I have been successful in reading arrays and single variables no problem. However, when I want to read arrays from a structure in the Allen-Bradley PLC, I always get an error code in the CIPUCMMRead ErrorID of either 0400 or 1C00 for ErrorID and ErrorIDEx is FF00 2105 depending on what I enter in for Size on the function block (attaching screenshots with both error codes). The errors show on multiple "read" function blocks at once but it only affects data coming out of the function block where I try to read in a BOOL array from a structure in the ControlLogix PLC. If I enter a UINT#1 for the Size, I get ErrorID 0400. If I enter UINT#2, 3, or 4, I get ErrorID 1C00 with ErrorIDEx being FF00 2105. I've been digging for a while and can't find that specific combo of codes, but it looks like it's a size issue. From what I can tell, the Size is in Bytes. So if I have 32 Bools it should be a Size of UINT#4 max, right? Any help would be greatly appreciated! The function block having issues is setup the exact same as the other two that read from the same structure; I even copied and pasted them from each other and just changed the FB name and the postfix in the SrcDat string (from MyBools to MyDints/MyReals). Here are the screenshot: 1. Allen-Bradley Structure 2. CIPUCMMRead Function Block with size 4 3. CIPUCMMRead Function Block with size 1
  25. I want to change the function that M1107 is ON but when looking in the program, M1107 has no output. I want to know how to change it.
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