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  1. Hello, I am relatively new to gxworks and I am struggling to find any help online regarding communicating between a pilz and fx5u. I am trying to communicate between a pilz m b0 & m ES Eth to a FX5U PLC. I am not having any luck with them communicating with each other. On the ethernet configuration on GX works 3 I am getting a constant ‘connecting’ in the TCP status section. I have function blocks setup in the code. The ip address is correctly set on the pilz unit. The PLC and pilz are connected to each other with an ethernet switch, when I am connected to the switch from my laptop I can go online with them both at the same time. If you require anymore information please ask, I understand I am may be missing something. Any help would be very much appreciated
  2. Good Morning to all, I'm working on a TCP connection and sometimes I need close it and reopen successively. When I close connection and Close is done I cannot view the correct TCP status because it remain ESTABLISHED. Why it could be happen? Waiting for your answer, Thank you, Mariangela
  3. Hey I'm trying to implement reconnecting for FINS/TCP protocol, according to W421 Omron documentation (link: https://assets.omron.eu/downloads/manual/en/v4/w421_cj1w-etn21_cs1w-etn21_ethernet_units_-_construction_of_applications_operation_manual_en.pdf ), but it not working. According to diagram in 7-4 section at 183 page, after connection lost and restore connection to the Internet, Client(PC) should again connect with PLC using the same Client(PC) FINS Node Id. PLC should detect connection error and response with error code 00000021 hexadecimal: Specified node is already connected. It works. After this should I close socket (created after restore connection) or this socket should be closed automatically by PLC? Then I should create new socket (third) and connect with the same Client(PC) FINS Node Id should be possible. But i've got "Specified node is already connected" error again. PLC dosn't forget before connection. Why? What I'am doing wrong? // Client FINS Node id = 50, Server FINS Node id = 10. Standard communication works public void TestReconnect() { // connect on TCP Layer this.tcpClient.Connect(base.ipEndpoint); // NADS Frame - finsClientNode = 0 - autoallocation this.SendNodeAddressDataSend(); // Power interruption!!! // creating new socket, old socket is unavailable this.tcpClient = new TcpClient(); // connect on TCP Layer this.tcpClient.Connect(base.ipEndpoint); // NADS Frame - use finsClientNode autoallocated before // should return error "The specified node is already connected." this.SendNodeAddressDataSend(); // disconnect on TCP Layer, should i do this? this.tcpClient.Close(); // creating new socket, old socket was closed this.tcpClient = new TcpClient(); // connect on TCP Layer this.tcpClient.Connect(base.ipEndpoint); // NADS Frame - use finsClientNode autoallocated before // shouldn't return error "The specified node is already connected." // because connection with this node was closed before this.SendNodeAddressDataSend(); } private NodeAddressDataSendResponse SendNodeAddressDataSend() { /* byte clientNodeId = finsRequestDataProvider.GetClientNodeId(); byte[] header = new byte[] { F, I, N, S, // 'F' 'I' 'N' 'S' 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C, // 12 Bytes expected 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // NADS Command (0 Client to server, 1 server to client) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Error code (Not used) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, clientNodeId // Client node address, 0 = auto assigned };*/ var nodeAddressDataSendRequest = this.finsRequestFactory.CreateNodeAddressDataSendRequest(); var nodeAddressDataSendResponse = this.Execute(nodeAddressDataSendRequest); this.finsRequestDataProvider.StoreAutoallocatedNodeId(nodeAddressDataSendResponse.ClientNodeId, nodeAddressDataSendResponse.ServerNodeId); return nodeAddressDataSendResponse; } Thanks for any help
  4. customer has an old (and I mean old) QuickPanel Jr QPJ-1D100L2P.. my oldest Procify is version 5.6 and appears only to support the QPJ-2xxxxx series. I tried to connect to the existing unit but I receive an error that the Uploader Failed To Start. Does anyone know which version of PME (if any) supports the QPJ-1xxxxxx? I only want to pull the existing program out if possible. Any info appreciated. Thanks, Bob
  5. Hello, My PLC is connected to PC using ethernet port, and the PC is requesting data (DMs) from PLC to do data logging. I want to know if it is possible to check the latest TCP communication request's time stamp. As a kind of something like handshake, so I can be sure the PC is still working. Does Mitsubishi's PLC keep this kind of data anywhere? Thanks in advance. Ting
  6. Hello, I'm trying to read data from a PLC using TCP/FINS protocol. I am able to read the data in the memory area from a supervisor PC (using command 01 01) but I do not know how to read the information specific to this machine. Extract from the machine manufacturer's document: Name Data type Address/Value Usage comment Loc_in1 BOOL 1.00 In Local Input 1 Loc_in2 BOOL 1.01 In Local Input 2 Loc_in3 BOOL 1.02 In Local Input 3 UPS BOOL 3.00 Work UPS Input Int1 BOOL 3.01 Work Interlock 1 Int2 BOOL 3.02 Work Interlock 2 T1_LSB CHANNEL D20 Work UPS Hold time LSB T1_MSB CHANNEL D21 Work UPS Hold time MSB REM_1 BOOL H0.00 Work Remote input 1 REM_2 BOOL H0.01 Work Remote input 2 REM_3 BOOL H0.02 Work Remote input 3 This is the document I've written to understand the protocol: 1st frame to send: 46,49,4E,53 : ‘FINS’ 00,00,00,1A : Length(8 de l’entête + 18 de la chaine qui suit) 00,00,00,02 : Cmd (2) 00,00,00,00 : Error code (0) Second frame to send 80,00,02,00 : ICF + RSV + GCT + DNA 0F : DA1-FINS node address of Ethernet unit (Server node=15) 00 : DA2-Destination machine address (0=PLC Main unit-CPU) 00 : SNA-Source FINS network address (0) FB : SA1-FINS node address on the PC side (Client node=251) 00 : SA2-Source FINS network address 01 : SID-any data from the source process identifier 01,01 : MRC,SRC-FINS command code 0101: Read memory areas 82 : Memeory area=Variable type: DM (Dxxxxx) 00,14,00 : Read start address (20) 00,01 : count (1) This shoud send the UPS hold time but everything is at zero. Who could help me ? What is wrong ? Thanks
  7. I did a lot of research for being able to control my Mitsubishi FX-5U PLC. I want to control it over network using SLMP with 3E frame messaging, but I am unable to understand the message frame. I am referring this manual. But despite spending days I haven't been able to understand how to control the PLC using SLMP. I understand that if I use this message frame, I will be able to read data on D200 register, and it does work successfully. 50 00 00 FF FF 03 00 0C 00 10 00 01 04 00 00 C8 00 00 A8 01 00 But, I just don't understand, how to access and control the devices on X and Y. Lets say I have to read data from all inputs (X) or write data to all/few output (Y) at once. I tried resolving this issue by trying to write to outputs, Y1 and Y2, and set them to high, but it doesn't work (Below frame is in ASCII format) 50 00 00 FF FF 03 00 0D 00 00 10 14 01 00 01 Y* 00 00 01 00 02 11 I know I am doing it wrong, so want to know really what am I doing wrong
  8. Hello, When i get error 2003 with sktTCPAccept what is causing it? Can it be caused if something was left open from previous session, is something wrong on server or client side? From F1 help i think error causes can be narrowed down to either open/close processing is in progress for SrcTcpPort although it doesnt specifically state that it causes error 2003. After closing port is there delay needed before i can use sktTCPAccept again?
  9. Hello out there I've searched for quite some time but unable to find any information helping me through this. I got a Omron PLC NX1P2 where im supposed to setup modbus communication over TCP/IP but so far i've only been able to find information regarding RTU setup. But seen forums mention its possible to setup via TCP/IP Anybody who can help. A program sample would be helpfull aswell. Im a trainee as automationengineer and this is my first encounter with Omron PLC and Modbus so quite new to the field. kind regards Ivan T.
  10. Hello guys I am a beginner in FINS UDP communication and I am trying to do a FINS UDP communication between an omron PLC CP1L-E in client mode to communicate with my PC that is in server mode, I am using the SocketTest v3.0.0 program that is in listening mode and still was unable to receive any information from the CLP, can you help me? The program and some images of the simulation are attached Thanks for reading SERVER PC IP ADDRESS CLIENT PLC IP ADDRESS tcp socket (1).cxp
  11. Hello guys I am a beginner in FINS TCP communication and I am trying to do a FINS TCP communication between an omron PLC CP1L-E in client mode to communicate with my PC that is in server mode, I am using the SocketTest v3.0.0 program that is in listening mode and still was unable to receive any information from the CLP, can you help me? The program and some images of the simulation are attached Thanks for reading SERVER PC IP ADDRESS CLIENT PLC IP ADDRESS tcp socket_vms.cxp
  12. I'm trying to send an int over TCP using a MSG Socket, Compactlogix ==> Arduino Ethernet Shield I have set up TCP communication between two Arduino Uno's using Ethernet shield. I've set up the one as a server, the other as a client. server IP: port 23. If the client is connected it reads incoming data as a byte or an array of bytes. The data between the two has been verified to work. I'm now trying to transition the communications between a compact logix-L32E. I'm looking to send a byte (or int being as there's no byte data type) from the Compactlogix to the Arduino using TCP. To my understanding I need to use a socket create, open, read/write, close. The manual to do this is vague as a step by step procedure. Does anyone have an example code for socket programming? I can open rs500, rs5000, and studio 5000 programs. If I can open a file to use as a reference I can translate it on my own. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Hi all, I have my own driver to communicate with a MicroLogix 1400. Please refer to the attached screenshot from Wireshark. is my driver's host, and is the ML1400. The startup sequence to establish a connection & session with the PLC is correct I believe: - In the grey highlight, client requests a connection to .192 via SYN and this is ack'd - A session is registered, and forward open is successful - There's a lot of stuff in green simply because I've also got an HTTP browser session open to the PLC to monitor its session table - In between, spaced 8 seconds apart, are my two attempts to keep the connection alive by sending a List Identity request (as a ping, if you like). These are highlighted in pale blue. - However, 16.5 seconds from the start of the grey highlight, and 16.4 seconds after sequence=115 ack=99, the controller sends back a [RST, ACK] and a callback from my socket code tells me that the session has been dropped. The connection timeout for the PLC is configured as either 30 or 60 seconds, so I don't see how that's relevant here when the reset is happening only 17 seconds after it was established ? However, presumably the PLC doesn't see the application-level "List Identity" request as a valid means of keeping the connection alive. What is the correct mechanism to use that the PLC will accept as a keep-alive ?
  14. hello everyone, Im new with mitsubishi and ive got a project with a Fx5uc but im stucked in communication protocol to communicate with a weintek HMI ive already tested easybuilder simulation with a modbus tcp ip symulator and it works but im completlely lost about mitsubishi, is there a way to communicate via Modbus TCP/IP? or which protocol would u recommend as i have to connect 2 drives as well. thank you in advance
  15. I requested support on getting my DVP to talk to Factory IO for some cost-effective programming experience but the DVP is really poorly documented. The below wording and 2 pictures were all the support I got as I am not a business. The M codes are not listed in the ISPSoft help file and hard to track down, combined with things like "After the reception of the command is complete, bit8 in D1395 is ON" and then if I am reading input registers and holding coils but saving to a D word register how the heck do I convert the data into a useable boolean format for logic use??!! I have no been able to even get the DVP to read or write ANYTHING but I can use a modbus program to turn on the DVP's bits no problem so I know communication works. eg: F05 H500 will toggle coil Y0. The issue is when I try and use the DVP as the modbus client. From my laptop I can use these commands to modify Factory IO which is running as modbus server Slave ID 1: F02 H0000 H0009 (Read inputs 0 to 9) Tx: 00 02 00 00 00 06 01 02 00 00 00 0A, Rx: 00 02 00 00 00 05 01 02 02 C0 00 (In put 6 & 7 are on) F15 H0000 H0009 (force coils 0 to 9) Tx: 00 0F 00 00 00 09 01 0F 00 00 00 0A 02 00 00, Rx: 00 0F 00 00 00 06 01 0F 00 00 00 0A But how the heck do I format the LD program to actually do those commands? IA PLC Modbus address_20160707.pdf SE-T001 Application Note Data Exchange SE PLC.pdf
  16. Hi all, how can I read data from Mitsubishi PLC (model Q04UDVCPU) using TCP/IP socket communication? I can connect to the PLC (using an address and an open port) but I cannot retrieve any data. Thank you.
  17. Hello! I am using S7-1200 PLC 1212C AC/DC with configured Modbus TCP Server. I can already read/write Inputs/Outputs (Coils) and Memory Words. However I'd like to read/write Memory BITS. Is it possible? If so, how? What addresses should I use in TIA portal? And which function codes on client side? Thanks in advance!
  18. Hi All, I am new with PLCs. Currently I have a project that required me to send a 12 alphanumeric (2D code scanned) from multiple CP1Hs to NJ101. Then NJ101 will directly send the data into a SQL (haven't made yet). So basically, there are a few hurdle that I face. 1) How send data from CP1H to NJ101. - I have tried using _CPU010_SendData from CP1H but I'm not sure how to do the ladder or what to use on sysmac (NJ101) side. Btw, I really not familiar with sysmac. This is the first project that I use sysmac. - I have read about TCP IP, Fins/UDP and Fins/TCP but I'm not familiar with those method. 2) How to confirm that NJ101 has received the data from CP1H 3) How to arrange the data received from CP1H into SQL - This one I have a sample program that I can follow from my colleague. 4) Setting up a dummy SQL server just for the sake of testing. - I don't have any idea on this. I anyone have an application or software that can used to test the database function, please let me know. Your helps are greatly appreciated! Thank you! Bob
  19. I using easymodbus library to connect and read data from 3 PLCs CP1L but it run unstablely, sometime it disconnect and i cant re-connect PLC, it give error time out when i try to reconnect when it happen, i restart PLC and everything back to work. Someone please help me. I am new with modbus and omron
  20. Hi ! I have to Control and Read an Masss Flow Controller (MFC) MKS MF-1, I have give this one an IP Adress ( How can I Control it over Modbus TCP? I found in GX Works 3 in Tool/Predifined Protocol Support function the Modbus Menue, but i have no Idea how to Config it, i have no Idea how Modbus works..... Have someone an Example for a Configuration?
  21. Hey guys, been looking around for a solution and I was brought here. I'm a programmer at a place that just put in a bunch of these Mitsubishi Q series QJ71e71-100 ethernet controllers. I wrote a TCP server in Java to try and talk to them. I'm trying to get data sent over from a little GOT1000 test terminal. The zp.open command is working fine and i'm seeing a good syn-ack handshake, and if i push some text to the plc from the program I get a response (even if it is always the same nonsense). but when i try to use the zp.send it fails, I get error C1A6 on the ladder program and the q series lights up the comm error light. I know I'm being super vague here, I was just hoping to gain some insight. I don't much know what to expect from this forum if you guys are active or if my question even has an answer but i've been banging my head against the wall for days now. I'm just using a tutorial program from the q series manual and a super basic tcp handler in java. If there's any other information I can provide let me know.
  22. Hello I have a SLC5/05 and a Microscan MV40 smart camera which receives commands to a TCP port. Is there a way the LSC 5/05 can send a command to the camera using the MSG instruction or any other instruction? I would appreciate any advice
  23. Hi, I have a omron PLC in a FINS network. Should there be any problem connecting another PC to that network and ping the PLC? I somehow don't get any response when I try to ping the PLC from a PC. Best regards
  24. Hi guys, Do you have experience or know any good guides to set up a simulation case like this: - Simulating a PLC program such that the "PLC" is accessible on the Ethernet (for example just locally). - In addition, setting up the PLC settings with FINS protocol such that it is possible to write to the PLC with FINS protocol from another device. The first part is most important. Best regards PC_VS_PLC
  25. Hi, I'm trying to set up a TCP communication between a Q03UDECPU and a Beijer E110 panel I've tried both TCP and UDP as "communication mode" in E-Designer. nothing seems to work. What I'm I doing wrong Se attached files from E-designer and Gx IEC Developer
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