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  1. Hi, Is it possible to convert a number (a REAL or DINT in my case) to an ASCII string equivalent in CX-Programmer (I'm using a CP1H) ? For example : REAL = -12.3456 -> String (starting from W0 for instance) = [2D 31][32 2E][33 34][35 36] [- 1] [2 .] [3 4] [5 6] [W0] [W1] [W2] [W3] For a DINT, the process would be the same but there would never be any decimal point (but there could be a minus sign AKA 0x2D in ASCII). This operation is trivial in Sysmac Studio, but seems quite tedious in CX-Programmer.
  2. Hi All, I'm looking to setup communications between a digital force gauge and an Omron NX-CIF1010 RS232 serial communication interface. Here is the Output Protocol from the Force Gauges Manual: Output Protocol RS-232 Parameter - Baudrate: 9600 - Data-Bit: 8 - Parity: none - Stop-bit: 1 The measured value is requested by the PC by the ASCII Sign “9”. I've tried to follow the youtube video, "How to communicate via RS 232 using an NX CIF to a PC" however setting up communication between the force gauge instead of a PC is proving difficult. How to communicate via RS 232 using an NX CIF to a PC - YouTube This is quite new to me so I'm trying to get my head around it at the moment so please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm reading values from the Force gauge in ASCII and I need to convert those values into another numerical value data type. I've seen in CX-Programmer, ASCII values being converted into Floating Point values using the "FVAL" instruction using Data registers however I can't use the same approach in Sysmac Studio. Do I need to clear the serial buffer everytime before I look to receive a numerical value from the force gauge? Here are details regarding the screenshots I've included below: 1) CIF101 Parameters to read Force Gauge Output Protcol in Sysmac Studio which should be matching the force gauges output protocol. 2) CIF101 IO Map in Sysmac Studio - ** I'm unsure if this is where I need to be linking the "RcvDat" input of the "NX_SerialRcv" function block? 3) CIF101 Sending Data Function Block - "NX_SerialBufClear" function block setup - "port_id" data type has been changed to "_sDevice_Port". 4) CIF101 Receiving Data Function Block - "NX_SerialRcv" function block setup 5) Global Variable - Array [0..3] OF BYTE - used in "RcvDat" input of "NX_SerialRcv" function block 6) Internal Variables Created to send and receive data 7) Force Gauge RS232 Configuration 8) Force Gauge Output Protocol Any help would be greatly appreciated. Paul
  3. Hi all,I'm completely new to ASCII and trying to figure out where I'm going wrong here.Application: I need to send 2d barcode data to a KGK Jet model CCS3000L Inkjet printer. Only protocol possibility is ASCII. PLC I have is a Micro850, and the only port option for ASCII is the serial port. I modified one end of a 2707-NC11 cable to connect PLC TxD to printer RxD, PLC RxD to Printer TxD, and PLC SG to Printer SG. I jumpered CTS and RTS at the printer connector, and the 2707 cable I'm using doesn't have wires on the Micro850 CTS or RTS pins.Printer company verified that I can just jumper RTS and CTS on their side and not connect their DTR and DSR pins (since I'm not using hardware handshaking). I don't really need any flow control for the application ( I don't think...again, ASCII noob here).Do the CTS and RTS on the PLC side need to be jumpered? Does the DCD pin need to be jumpered or connected to something if I'm not using handshaking?I downloaded the Micro800 ASCII read and write functions and function blocks from Rockwell library, and they seem to be working, except that I keep getting ABL error id "7". This error states, "Cannot complete ASCII send or receive because channel configuration has been shut down using the channel configuration dialog box." I have the serial port enabled and configured to ASCII, no handshaking, baud 9600 same as printer, no parity check, 1 stop bit, character length of 8.Any help in pointing out what I'm doing wrong or things to try would be greatly appreciated! ASCII_TEST.ccwsln
  4. Hi guys I have an control logix plc im looking for a module which is the same as 1769-ascii module. I know that module is for compact logix. Unfortunately i didnt find a good one for that purpose. Anybody can help with that ? Thanks ahead.
  5. Now I working on omron CP1H PLC, i'm receiving ASCII number from another PLC which is something like this "#3031 #3030 #3030 #3030" which mean 01000000. How to convert the ascii number to real number or bcd without separate them? I know how to convert them which is using HEX but its turn out the number will separate into this 0100 and 0000.
  6. I am working on project where I need to program delta PLC to receive ASCII code from scanner. I anyone know how to program it helpls me alot.
  7. Hello all, I am working on a project where I am communicating with a Mensor CPT6100 pressure transducer using a Micro-850 PLC. For this, I have used an AWA instruction to write some ASCII characters to the sensor. The sensor then responds to the write instruction by sending ASCII characters to the RX buffer and I used ACB and ARD instructions to read the ASCII characters. Now, I have set the ACB trigger type to 0 (msg triggered only once) and it successfully reads from the sensor. However, when I set the ACB trigger type to 1 (msg triggered multiple times), I do not get any reading in the ARD block. As a matter of fact, the ACB Q bit switches off every time the program is executed when the trigger type is set to 1. I am trying to get continuous readings from the sensor, but when the trigger type is set to 0, the program latches on to the first and only reading and it won't change. My question is, how can I change my program so that it can continuously and autonomously read from the sensor without me having to manually trigger the AWA and ACB instructions every time. I am attaching the program to this thread for your reference. ASCII_Test_Copy.ccwarc
  8. Hi guys, so i'm trying to send data to plc omron cp2e-n40dra via RS232C, I use RXD and TXD but it looks like my programs are wrong, the indicator of RS232C are on everytime i send the data so it looks like PLC receive my data but when i see it in memory PLC D i can't find any data stored. Can anyone help me please? I attach my Gdrive for pictures since i can't upload pictures in here *The data that i sent is in ASCII https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GPXa1U1PLMU2WKmo4YRPe32wHHyVCGUv?usp=sharing
  9. I have been working on a PLC project that requires sending ASCII commands/queries to an external pressure transducer using the Micro 850 PLC (2080-SERIALISOL module) via serial port communication (ASCII protocol) and in response the PLC would read pressure readings from the transducer. I was able to write a ladder logic program that reads ASCII code from the transducer and converts it into string and inversely converts string output from the computer to ASCII and sends it to the transducer. However, I am uncertain as to how I should send the command string from my computer so that the external transducer receives it, recognizes it after the <cr><lf> is encountered and sends a pressure reading. Any suggestions as to how I can type in commands from my computer and receive responses from the transducer?
  10. I have a function that reads ASCII code from a transducer, converts the code into characters and places the characters from the serial buffer into a string. Now, I am trying to convert the value in the string into a 64-bit float number. Any ideas on how to do that on the CCW?
  11. i want to convert my ascii string to hex value. I used HEX function but result is not what i expected. My string: 'BD1' > expected converted result is 0BD1H .. however it return me 01DBH ... Value from Device Memory Batch Monitor: D40: 4442 ('DB') D41: 0031 ('1'); May i know how to convert string D40 to Hex? thank you for viewing.
  12. Hello, I am trying to receive data from a scale via rs232. my setup; compact logix l18er with a 1734-rs232ascii point IO module to receive the data. I am receiving data from the scale, but I have very little understanding of ascii, so I do not know how to convert the data I am receiving to something use-able. any help on how to convert the data to something I can use or where to even start would be much appreciated. using a scientech ZSA 210 scale https://scientech-inc.com/media/downloadable/files/links/1/2/12222-d_rev-f_instruction_manual.pdf
  13. I am new at PLC programming, I have tried some ways to convert a text into DINT and I haven't found the right way yet, maybe somebody can help me. I want to convert "Hello" to DINT, for example. I tried converting it on here https://www.branah.com/ascii-converter to decimal and then using it as an input for a ROUND, FLOOR, TRUNC blocks to get a DINT, but when I get the result and use as an input in a DI_R i block the output doesn't match with the first conversion of "Hello". Any tips on how do I get it to work, please? Thanks in advance.
  14. Hello All, I am in the process of installing a DPM Scanner to one of our machines. I am trying to program an ASCII String Compare to compare the scanned part number, stored in a string as ST14:0, to a constant value stored in ST15:13. I have used this tactic before in other applications and it has worked fine every time, except this time. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a setting I am not aware of? Please see the attached image. Thanks in advance!
  15. Does anyone have an example piece of ladder logic, created on a Micrologix 1200, using ASCII to READ and Write to a serial device? I am building a ladder on a Micrologix 1200 that will send data to an old CNC once a certain ASCII instruction is received on the PLC. For example, when the machine spits out an ASCII "1", the PLC will see the "1" and send out a three digit number depending on a sequence of discrete inputs. Thank you,
  16. Has anyone been able to set up back and forth communication with a device that uses SCPI? I have a D2-260 and 5 Kikusui power supplies. The PLC already utilizes a RS485 Modbus network and also has an Ethernet connection. The power supplies only have a RS232 connection and uses SCPI commands. I have searched the web over and there are Modbus to ASCII converters but how to make it where to catch the response in a register for the PLC to find? I am open to anything, 5 small PLCs to there is no possible means to do this. Any direction would greatly be appreciated!
  17. My client is a pharmaceutical company and they want to interface their Blood Gas Analyzer (which is a RAPIDPoint 500) to a Controllogix PLC via EtherNet. I have attached a Spec that I found, which gives the initial information you would need to do this. It says that the BGA can transmit data in ASCII. However, it doesn't list what bits I need to send to the device in order for it to send the PLC the data. I've tried contacting Siemen's (who makes the BGA) and they were useless. I also tried searching the RA knowledgebase. Does anyone have any insight on how to communicate with a device in this way? Thank you Tyler RP500_LIS_5_20_13_-_Rev_C_.pdf
  18. Hello all i'm looking for some software to record a 100 plus channels maybe with an ascii string from a PLC? i want to be able to assign each channel with a unit and a range, flagging feature would be nice. - selecting the channels i want to view - auto start recording - save file and start new automatically -view and create reports preferably no additional hardware because of the amount of channels. this is to record an operators every move so in events of damage or plant failure we can quickly identify the problem (point the finger) many thanks dan
  19. Hi, New to the site, seeking help with an Inkjet Coder that the company I work for recently purchased. A customer is wanting us to have the printer message selection automated, because parts got out with the wrong print on them. We purchased a Linx 5900 and want to use the serial port on a slc 5/03 to send a command to select the message based on a selector switch's position. I've been pretty desperate trying to find help with this issue, because this is my first time messing with a printer. I've got the AWA instruction set up and it will send a string, but I'm not sure what to have in the string or if I have everything configured right. I've attached the program for you guys to look through, the AWA instructions are at the end of LAD 13. I'm using the serial port to make changes to the program then hooking it into the printer to try the changes out so its a bit frustrating, but I don't have a pc with windows xp sp2 so using the DH485 port is not an option. Any help will be greatly appreciated. CNTRPUSH_4_2017.RSS
  20. I would like to send a character on a Micro830 using ASCII. I wish to send the character to a pc by using Real term or terra term on PC. Can somebody please let me know how can I configure the ladder diagram, I tried various commands including THE AWA, AWT and also the MSG_modbus however I can initiate the communication. I think that I am missing something cause I don't have a reference ladder diagram. Thanks
  21. I'm using a 1769-ASCII and need help with one part of it. I have no issues with sending data. The manufacturer shows the following as the process... My question is: how do I evaluate the XON\XOFF? The machine states "This communication protocol tells the status if it can receive any data or not to the host by sending "XON" (HEX 11H) or "XOFF" (HEX 13H) to the signal line." I never receive any data so I'm not sure what's wrong or if what I'm doing is correct. The attached file is same code downloaded from AB's website which is what I based my code off of. http://search.rockwellautomation.com/search?client=samplecode&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF-8&output=xml_no_dtd&proxystylesheet=samplecode&site=sample_code&getfields=*&lang=en&hl=en&sort=date:D:L:d1&wc=200&wc_mc=1&ud=1&filter=0&q=ASCII 62119.exe
  22. ok i have a rotary encoder to a HSC on my tm221, im converting that to ascii and outputting the value to a lascar HMI over rs232. example of value sent: 1234 value received: 2143 there don't seem to be any options to set the LSB or MSB , any ideas?? Dan
  23. Hey Guys!!!! I'm trying to use ASCII 8 bites in TWIDO PLC and on MOD BUS TCPIP it connected to WinCC , where I'm trying to read the ASCII in as a STRING char that to in 8bits. The problem I'm facing is that it is getting swapped like if I'm writing VA in PLC then on SCADA it is showing AV. In WinCC there is no setting for word swapping. Therefore Kindly help me for this in plc end
  24. Hey Guys!!!! I'm trying to use ASCII 8 bites in TWIDO PLC and on MOD BUS TCPIP it connected to WinCC , where I'm trying to read the ASCII in as a STRING char that to in 8bits. The problem I'm facing is that it is getting swapped like if I'm writing VA in PLC then on SCADA it is showing AV. In WinCC there is no setting for word swapping. Therefore Kindly help me for this in plc end
  25. I have been using Mitsubishi PLCs for the last 17 years and to be honest whenever I need to shift data I generally use an Arduino. But I have existing PLCs that each need to be connected to a PLC running Biometric Readers. The handshake between the PC in a box (running the biometric readers) and the PLC (running an access control turnstile) will be 8 bit ASCII code via RS232 connection. I am struggling to find any working examples of code to run an RS232 BD card on an FX3G PLC, I have set up an FTDI RS232 UART and I can see data coming in from an Arduino but I can't get the FX3g to send any data via RS232. I can't even get the PLC to communicate. Unfortunately the tech support offered here in the UK is awful. Any help would be appreciated. Regards Julian
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