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Found 9 results

  1. I have a machine controlled by a ControlLogix Processor with three ControlNet Cards. Right now the Logix5000 Program is stored as D:\Machine.ACD. and the ControlNet files are D:\Slot5.xc , D:\Slot7.xc and D:\Slot9.xc. For reasons I won't go into on anther system there is no D:\ drive so when I open E:\Machine.ACD it of course complains the the D:\Slot#.xc files can't be found. When I change the file on the RSNetworx Pane of properties to E:\Slot#.xc it says something about modifying a running module warning. The D:\ file and E:\file are identical. If the machine is running is there any real risk? How best to resolve this dilemma.
  2. Hi! I would like to ask your help. I want to know more about the communcation systems what allen bradley use. Most important for me, is Ethernet IP communication, Controlnet communication, Sercos (servo) communication, maybe devicenet communication. I know I can find some manulas on the web, but I thought I ask it here too, maybe you guys have some more documents which is contain more information. Every information is highly appreciated. Thank you very much guys.
  3. Hi, We have 2 x 1756-L71 Processors joined together with a pair of 1756-RM2/A redundancy modules. The rack also has 1756-EN2T and 1756-CN2R modules. I was called to the site after a power outage and found that the link between the 2 CPUs had failed with one displaying no program and the link modules with error lights. The ControlNet cards also had red lights on both channels and all of the FlexIO devices were red Xed in RSLinx. I went down the path of trying to get the CPUs up, and running but this was a red herring as I was informed that if the CPU's get out of Sync and have any faults on the cards the secondary one will lose its project. The ControlNet cards were giving a no Active Keeper fault? So we went down the path of the ControlNet cards, I initially thought that it was that the cards had lost their configuration files but we isolated the coax network to just the 2 cards, and the CP's and ControlNet cards came back up online. We joined the network back onto the ControlNet cards and found a faulty 1794-ACNR15/CFlexIO module. Once we replaced this the other devices (48 devices on the network) were not being discovered on the network. We went around and power cycled the IO units and then they started to Auto discover and the site came back up - Note CPUs were in Program mode at the time and I flicked them to Run and the site came back online. Does anyone have any information on why they needed to be power cycled and is there likely to be an underlying issue other than the single failed module pulling the network down?
  4. Hi All, How can I collect the information provided through RSLinx in a ControlNet network, specifically on the Station Diagnostics Contronet devices? My idea is to generate some statistics errors and avoid some network errors failures.
  5. I have a PLC 5 program that is acting as a master controller for several other various PLCs. I have found where an input is coming in off of ControlNet. I went to the relevant ControlLogix program but I cannot find where this output is being written to. I am fairly new to Rockwell as I have come from a Melsec background. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. I have an issues with various Powerflex 700S drives tripping out periodically on Net Loss DPI P5 fault (F# 59). These drives are set up on the same ControlNet network to communicate with the Contrologix 5563 processor. The drives will reset easily and the process restarted, but it is a nuisance and time is lost resetting the equipment. Any advice will be appreciated.
  7. Hi guys! Can anybody help me? I have an existing controlnet network. How can I connected a new module? Like an 1794 IB16. What should I need to do after I connected the new module? One more question: What's the difference if I do not connected the new module right after the last module, but I connected between already existing module. Then what should I need to configure. If anybody want to help, please write like step by step. I'm a beginner, but I want to imporve myself. Thank you for your help. I almost forget, I need to work with Allen-Bradley PLC, and I have RSLogix 5000 software.
  8. Hi All, I need to add an 1756-IF8 to my controlnet on a L61 PLC. I have already added the device to RSLogix 5000 and inhibited it for the moment. I have RSNetWorx for Controlnet version 11 as it is an older project. What do i need to do to schedule this device on controlnet? I've been told you need to be online with RSNetWorx and then do an upload, what else do you need to do to schedule this device. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks Stu
  9. Hi! I try to add in the I/O Configuration, the ControlNet Module 1756-CN2/C, but I can't find for Module Discovery. Why the Module Discovery show me only 1756-CN2/A and 1756-CN2/B? Where I find 1756-CN2/C? I have all versions of RSlogix5000 10 to 20. Thanks for the attention.
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