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Found 18 results

  1. I've setup an Omron NX102 PLC with two CIF105 cards communicating with about 40 MX2 VSD's (20 on each card). Generally it works pretty well. I used the attached document to set up the devices. The links on the document to the examples don't work, so I'm unsure if I missed anything. My problem is that every day, sometimes multiple times a day the communication seems to die. i.e I either loose the output to the VSD and nothing will run. Or it all runs but I loose the feedback, as in I get no running signal even though the drives are running causing a fault in my program. I'm at a bit of a loss as to what might be causing the issue. To resolve it, I put the PLC into program mode and back into run mode and everything is happy again. Has anyone had a similar issue or offer any advise? MX2_Control_Serial.pdf
  2. Good morning I have a problem with communication with a Yaskawa inverter, specifically GA500. The device communicates via the EtherCat network. Communication works, but when I want to change my PDO, I have a problem as shown in the screenshot in attachment. The problem occurs when I add the "Operation Command" variable. I have no idea what the problem is. I did not find a library on the Omron website that could support this inverter. thank you in advance for your help.
  3. Hi, Do anyone knows what is the meaning of the following inverter nameplats characters ? FR-A840-00023-E2-60 Mainly the beginning with the FR-A. Thanks ahead.
  4. Dear all, I have an Omron inverter 3G3TC-AB004, which apparently there is not much information about it online. I have successfully connected this inverter with Modbus, and able to change some of its parameters from Modbus Poll, yet I still haven't found the address for the Start and Speed Command. I've tried to set the frequency from modbus but unfortunately it's a read only register. Is it possible to control this inverter from modbus or it's only useful for monitoring the inverter status? Thanks in advance.
  5. Robror

    MX2 Modbus doubt

    Hi there! I'm programming a CP1L-E CPU to control 3 3G3MX2 inverters via Modbus. It got some things right, like the INV002_Refresh_X31 block and its parameters. The thing is, I also want to read some parameters from the inverter using the INV206_ReadParameter block. My doubt is, do I need to be careful so both blocks don't execute at the same time and use the serial port at the same time? Is it better to use one INV206_ReadParameter block for each parameter I want to read? Thanks in advance!
  6. Hi, I have to implement an axis control in a NX1P2 PLC using an inverter (3G3MX2) and an encoder cabled on a EC0122 board. I found something similar implemented on a CJ2M PLC, but I have no idea how to set up the axis in the configuration of sysmac studio and how to implement the control. Can someone help me? Some sample to catch out the configuration? Thanks a lot Andrea
  7. Hello everyone, As the title suggests I am trying to display on a GOT1000 the real time frequency that the inverter is running at. I have attached my CC-Link settings and the associated programming as well. I tried using the example program from Mitsubishi but I got lost. From my understanding I should be seeing the output frequency in W3C4 however, I am not receiving any data. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. Hi all Can someone please clear the scanlist value up for me which is part of the INV002 function block the documentation says that whatever nodes you have assigned are what bits you need enabled in the scan list they give the example of node 1 and node 14 being used from this they get a scan list of #4002, where does this number come from? https://docplayer.net/59460263-_inv002_refresh_v31-bool-dword.html for my next job i will be using 3 inverters and am not sure what my scanlist should be
  9. Hi Everyone! I need some help with configuring an inverter. The inverter type is powerflex 70. How can I set the next parameters. It should be work with two speeds. First: around 40 Hz. Second around 10 Hz. I think first I need to decide the direction, So I need two digital input for forward and reverse. Then I need plus more digital input, one for the high speed and one for the low speed. I guess I have connect dc 24 V too. I just dont know where should I connect this signal. I didnt find the properly manual. Do I forget something ? Can anybody help ? Thanks in adnvance!
  10. hy everyone.. I want to communication inverter SJ700 to hmi mitsubishi GS2017 for read an code error in interface HMI? is it possible to communication between them?
  11. Hi Guys! A have a question about FR A740 inverter. Is there a solution to save the parameters from the inverter ? I know the method how can I copy the parameters from one inverters the to others. But what if I just have one inverter and I have to set the parameters. Is there a software for that task ? I f I remember correctly, there is an ethernet port behind the keypad, maybe I can use that ? ??? I want to save a backup too about the parameters and I dont want to see all of the 1000 parameters.... Thank you... Please help me.
  12. My subcontractor use ABB ACS580 instead of ACS880. They argue that can program to control crane with it. Load capacity and motor power is no problem here, but the purpose of inverter I concern here. Is there any advice?
  13. I'm having trouble in finding a complete manual instruction and set-up on setting up a communication on a Q-series PLC to a inverter a700/a800 via RS-485. I have a manual for fx series, are the parameters the same as the fx series? how about the program, like starting or stopping the motor? Are they same or not? In the Q-series, do i leave switch-5 "station no. setting" blank? i just started this so i hope that i can make this work after new year. This is the manual for the fx-series plc====> http://www.automationsystemsandcontrols.net.au/PDF%27s%20Mitsubishi/Manuals/FPLC/FX%20SERIES%20USER%27S%20MANUAL%20-%20Data%20Communication%20Edition.pdf PS: I'm mostly self study because i don't have proper training yet and my school sucks.
  14. Hello everyone, I'm a beginner in RS485 communications and i want to control 2 inverter LS iG5A via RS485 from a PLC Mitsubishi FX2N I really don't understand how i should aproach and start this part of program in Ladder Diagram, to write and read parameters from Inverters. Please help me with an example Thanks.
  15. 3G3HV User's Manual View File Older Omron AC Drive Submitter Michael Walsh Submitted 10/03/2017 Category Manuals  
  16. Version I515-E1-3


    Older Omron AC Drive
  17. Hi everyone! I just need some help regarding on a project I'm working on. The idea of my setup is I have an Omron NS8 HMI connected to Mitsubishi inverter (FR-D700) through Modbus RTU Protocol without any PLC (is this possible?). The master is HMI and the slave is inverter. I use this so that I'll just input a running frequency to the HMI and the HMI will write it to the frequency. I have completed the setup, wiring and parameter setting on the inverter. Here is the problem, when I created a screen and transfer it to HMI and run some test, there is no reaction on the inverter and I just can't even make it run. On the screen, I created a Button for run signal with address "INVERTER:400009.02". Is there something wrong with my address or setting that I miss perhaps. Any help or tips regarding this. Thank you in advance.
  18. Hi there :D My son's birtday is coming up, and he loves to play with siemens plc 300 so I planted to surprise him at by making a inverter (Altivar 31) connect to PLC 300 and make PLC 300 connect with HMI (Inverter-PLC-HMI) the point is that I want to control the inverter with HMI (the motor speed hz) but I need to program the PLC, which I have no idea how to do. I can configure it, but after that I got no idea. Can someone please help me or show me, I really want to make this happened.
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