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Found 8 results

  1. Hello I have a FX5U PLC that is performing some data logging (D-reg and Bit) through the CPU module logging configuration tool, sample time of 5 minutes. Currently the client is physically swapping the SD cards to retrieve the data. I wish to set up a File Transfer Protocol function to transfer the logging data to the C drive of a local PC. They will be connected via ethernet cable through a network switch but independent of any other networks or internet. Desired function of FTP: 1. Data transfer every 24 hours 2. Confirm SD card not in use (either pause logging function or carry out in between 5 min samples) 3. Read logging data from SD card 4. Write data to local drive on PC 5. Delete transferred files from SD card to leave capacity for further logging operations 6. Data logging instruction file (.llp) must be left on SD card 7. Recommence data logging function I have configured the PLC as FTP Server and managed to view the contents of the SD card through windows file explorer on laptop with limited success (connection is intermittent and when access is possible, it does not always show updated/latest SD card contents) Is it possible to achieve the automated FTP using Mitsubishi and Windows software or do I need 3rd party software as well? Any advice on this would be hugely appreciated. Many thanks.
  2. Hello, I am trying to log data using GT Designer 3 and I'm having no luck. I found some sort of online documentation and even going through the myriad of steps still find my self unable to log anything. I am using the melsoft project navigator and GX Works 2 to simulate the logging of just one 16 bit signed word with a constant value. As logging data is clearly not as simple as just specifying D100 or D200 as the devices you want to log, I am hoping someone else on here has some experience on this matter and can help me out. Thanks for any help in advance.
  3. I currently have certain amount of Recipe data located in form of Excel file on to a PC with static IP address. Is there a way to get that data inside the Nj501 without using an SQL server as I currently have NJ501-1300 which doesn't support SQL. I am okay to send data to the SD card I currently have on NJ PLC as it is easy to get data from SD card to the NJ501. If there is any example code or a link that helps me create i would be helpful. Thanks in advance. FYI: I am currently using NB10 HMI with NJ PLC.
  4. Hello all i'm looking for some software to record a 100 plus channels maybe with an ascii string from a PLC? i want to be able to assign each channel with a unit and a range, flagging feature would be nice. - selecting the channels i want to view - auto start recording - save file and start new automatically -view and create reports preferably no additional hardware because of the amount of channels. this is to record an operators every move so in events of damage or plant failure we can quickly identify the problem (point the finger) many thanks dan
  5. Happily logging lots of parameters, at 1 second rate, and generating a csv file every hour, using Supervisor 3.2 and the ExportLog Supervisor script. Had to make a dos batch file to collate all the hourly csv files in to a daily csv file, and zip it, and then delete the hourly dlv and csv files, as normally the daily zipped log files are just kept for reactive faultfinding when there is a need to investigate a daily log file using Excel. Problem I find is that the data logging list of parameters is not able to be set to a particular order, such that the csv columns are in a particular order. Supervisor seems to rejig the order of parameters in the Logging workspace to its own purposes, and that order doesn't align with the order of parameters in the csv file. Nothing that I could find in the manual or help or poking around seems to describe how the export ordering is done. Anyone been down that path?? Regards, Tim
  6. I'll preface this by saying that our SCADA system is fairly large. Just the stuff that I worked on over the last 6 or 7 years probably has 5,000 - 10,000 tags (mostly real, dint, and bool) per PLC and there are 55-ish PLC's. There are also 30-40-ish flow computers that have 20-30 tags each in the system. Compared to the rest of the system my part is/was fairly small. We use ClearSCADA for the HMI. Kepware for the driver. Comm is supplied by everything from VSAT to Cell Modem to 3rd party wireless, to T1. Scan times vary from 15s to 30s, longer if there is a network hangup somewhere. The system is going to grow. There is a need to log history once per second on a very few points and our HMI / Comm method isn't up to it. The idea to log 1 days worth of data in the PLC and move it to a "Previous Day" record at 00:00:00 has been tossed around but I haven't had time to implement anything. I started with some ideas this morning, came up with a possible solution, and tried to implement it in an AOI for simplicity. The AOI has become a stumbling block. Maybe my implementation is flawed but I think it's probably fine. Here's the idea: Create a tag We want to log things like rate of change and pressure. Lets say I want to log the pressure on PT100.PV. My History tag would be something like PT100h REAL[24,60,60] and PT100pdh REAL[24,60,60] for current and previous day logged history MOV data to the tag Use pointers to move data to the array based on the PLC clock H, M, and S. It probably makes sense to put the routine in a Scheduled Task. If I remember correctly the PLC clock is always at UTC unless you "fake it out". I can either leave it alone (preferred... that way daylight savings time is not an issue) or add the appropriate UTC offset to the Hours value. I haven't tried pointers in a 3D array but I don't see why it wont work. MOV data to previous day tag at the 00:00:00 MOV PT100h to PT100pdh at 00:00:00 and move 0.0 to the PT100h tag. I'd probably be lazy and create a Zero[24,60,60] tag with all zeros in it unless someone has a better, less memory intensive way to do it. Foreseeable issues 86,400 floating point values x 8 bytes is a shade over 691k x 2 for previous day = almost 1.4mB. This is a real problem. One way to mitigate it, somewhat, is to do away with the Previous day tag. The HMI will log the history the actual value for each tag will be in the HMI log files HMI load- Adding 86,400 floating point tags per PLC is going to add to the load in the system. One of the larger stations could have as many as 7 points that would be nice to historize. That's not possible due to memory constraints in the PLC that is installed there. AOI's won't allow for tag arrays that I can see. I tried to make a tag with the 24,60,60 structure in an AOI and it didn't like it. I'm not sure if I actually have a question at this point. I'm basically thinking out loud to see what kind of feedback I'll get. The need to log is only important for "fault" analysis. 99.99% of the time the data will not be looked at. At this point I think that I've talked myself out of trying to implement this. I think the load that it would impose on the system would be too high. On the other hand, changing the array to a Boolean data type might come in handy for capturing a Boolean "glitch" and not be quite so memory intensive. I could also set it up to capture an hours worth of data and let the HMI historian do the logging. That's still 3,600 points though. 29k-ish bytes. Continuing with that thought, 5 minutes would only be 300 points and the HMI historian should be able to capture that. Maybe that's the way to solve the data issue? Capture X seconds (or minutes) and let the HMI historian log it? The HMI scan time is actually the issue so using the PLC for a buffer that offsets the scan delay may be the ultimate solution. Thoughts?
  7. Here is a recent post that I would like to share. Using Visual Basic 2015 we will log three holding registers from the PLC along with time and date into a Microsoft Access Database. We will log every minute into the database with the information that we collect from the PLC via Modbus TCP (Ethernet). All code will be done and shown so you can implement this in your application with different parameters. The information collected in the database can then be distributed or analyzed in the future. Visual Basic 2015 will be used with the EasyModbusTCP client/server library for .net. We will communicate to an Automation Direct – Do-More PLC. Using the free simulation software of the PLC Designer Software, we will retrieve three values of the Modbus Holding Registers using Modbus TCP. Once we have this information out of the programmable logic controller it will be placed in a Microsoft Access (2010) Database. This will be done by using a SQL command to insert the data. Read the rest of the post... Let me know what you think, Thank you Garry http://accautomation.ca/
  8. http://accautomation.ca/now-you-can-have-robust-data-logging-for-free-part-1/ YouTube overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Xa2HYVOxE0 Robust PLC Data LoggerWith traditional loggers, software will read the memory of the PLC and store in a local computer. If the network stops or the PLC communication fails then the logging will stop.Creating a robust PLC data logger allows the communication to be stopped for a period of time without losing any of the data for collection. This is accomplished by storing the data locally on the PLC until communication is restored. All of the data is then read without loss. The amount of time that the connection can be lost will be dependent on the memory size of the PLC and the frequency of the data collected.This series will walk you through the steps to create and implement a robust PLC data logger using the following equipment and hardware. Automation Direct – Do-More – H2-DM1E PLC (Ethernet Modbus TCP)Do-more Designer 1.3 (Simulator instead of PLC mentioned above)Windows based computer running IISVisual Basic 6Regards, Garry http://www.accautomation.ca
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