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Found 23 results

  1. Hi there guys I am using modbus as server and having the issue that i cant use multiple outputs simultaneously if I want to use coils as outputs I have to put the value of outputs in auto refresh of modbus and if i have to use data registers then i have to use data registers in auto refresh, but simultaneously i cant use both in auto refresh because the auto refresh won,t allow as I am using modbus QJ71MT91. I can see the outputs changing in device buffer that obviously because of the default values of the ladder code but I want to see all of this in modsim32 and want simultaneous outputs coils and holding registers to be seen. These are the IP addresses: plc CPU: (I have set the ipv4 settings with ip address that i wrote subnet mask: and default gateway: network: I have created a ladder logic for tank filling station that is as follows What my ladder code does is that if i turn on input y80 then y100 output that is filling tank turns on and the timer for 100 sec is stored in data register D100 and if input y81 is turned on the output y101 is turned on that is discharging of tank and the timer for 100 sec is stored in D101. These are the Auto communication parameters I have set for the ladder logic code And in order to see the outputs of either coils or data registers working these are the following parameters for auto refresh For coils for registers Can you guys tell me how i can use both simultaneously?? and see the timer value and coil output both at the same time in modsim32? Or in general how can i use multiple outputs at the same time using modbus as server???
  2. I want to communicate my Q series PLC with Factory IO using GX works 2 software, I want to use modbus tcp/ip as server in factory IO and the ips are as follows plc CPU: modbus: pc: (I have set the ipv4 settings with ip address that i wrote subnet mask: and default gateway: local network: I want a start stop switch as an example and a warning light so that i get to know how the communication works as it is not working currently I have done the communication through modbus tcp/ip as client but unable to do for modbus tcp/ip as server. the ladder logic code is as follows. the addresses for y80, y81 and y82 are , QY128, QY129 and QY130 I have done some settings for automatic communication parameters that are as follows The auto refresh settings are as follows or the factory IO i have created the following environment the settings for driver configuration is as follows Can you let me know whats the issue here as i am unable to communicate via the factory IO with the PLC . Can you guide me in any way?
  3. Hi, I have a client with an old K2N CPU configuration. Is there a communication module that I can use, so that I can upload the excisting program to my PC with my old version of melsec medoc, over RS232? We need the program to upgrade the PLC to a new type. But they don't have a program or a listing of the program.
  4. I have a HydMech H14A Automatic bandsaw that I am currently experiencing an odd issue with. When in Auto the saw operates fine, but when in manual the rear vise open function is not working. I have a signal from HMI to the input at the PLC, but no signal coming from the corresponding output. The status light for the output (Y012) never lights up when in manual, but, again, the saw functions flawlessly in Auto. Have changed HMI, PLC, ribbon cables for input/outputs and comm cable. When viewing program to asses issue, i have to unplug the comm cable in order to plug in my computer, meaning that even though I can see logic, I cannot see it during operation. 2 things. 1- on the off chance that someone has experienced this same problem, what did you find? 2- is there a way to view program while it is actively running code? Hardware= Mitsubishi Melsec FX3UC-32MT/DSS, Software= MELSOFT series GX Works2
  5. d4rkm4n

    PLC Reset?

    Hi guys, I always wondering, what is reset when reset button is click? Does the setting from address D from HMI will be lost? Does internal memory of PLC is reset? Anything thats not reset? Or just reset sequence? Thanks.
  6. I am trying to online edit a program in a MELSEC QCPU, using GX Works2, but I keep getting this error "A file which does not exist in the PLC was specified" <ES:010a4022> Few weeks ago I had just online edited the same program in the same PLC with the same steps with no problem. There had been no changes to the PLC after that. Just all a sudden when I try to edit yesterday I get this error. Not an expert in Mitsubishi, just started learning the basics. Connection to PLC is by USB cable. Steps I followed to connect to PLC: -Online > Read from PLC -Select PLC Series: QCPU (Q mode) -Select PLC side I/F Serial Setting: Serial USB -Select all target program to Read, then Execute I am editing the file that I had just read from PLC Steps I followed to online edit: -Online > Monitor > Monitor (Write mode) -Execute the function below when mode is changed: Checked all -Edit the program (basically just deleted one -||- contact and drew back the line) -Compile > Online Program Change Then Bam! error get! "A file which does not exist in the PLC was specified" <ES:010a4022> I had tried Verify with PLC, but all results match. Is there something I am missing? Help much appreciated!
  7. Hello, I seem to be having trouble reading comments from PLC in GX Developer. The PLC is an ACPU, Everytime I try to read comments using GX Developer I get the following error. "The comment was not read correctly". I found an old project from this PLC that has comments, But im unable to read any current ones. Anyone experienced this before?
  8. Hello, I was wondering if any of you have experience translating comments. To be more specific, I have been tasked with translating all of the comments in my plant from japanese to english. We have many different series of PLCs, but they are all mitsubishi, and I will be using GXWorks 2 for 99% of them. I had the idea of writing the comments to a CSV file, Translate them there, and then just read them from CSV back into the project. I have tried numerous methods, but it seems the CSV loses format and isnt able to be read back into GXWorks. Some of these comment files have almost 10,000 comments. Do any of you have any suggestions on the best way to translate these comments over, in a more automated way than manually one-by-one. Thanks in advance for any support you can provide!
  9. I need to communicate with a Mitsubishi PLC using Matlab. To do that, I open a serial communication with the appropiate parameters (7,e,1,9600), and write an ASCII message based on the manual I have (attached). I have tried examples as the one in the attached image. The response starts with a 6, that is, the ASCII number for ACK, so something must be working. But the rest of the response is junk (149, 149, 149...), although its length depends on the input length (if I add terminator, the response is longer, and so on). I am completely stuck. Some information that might be helpful: I am using a Serial to USB converter that I have used successfully with other PLC (which used Modbus, so everything was easier) There's a VB application (of which I don't have the code) that is able to connect to the PLC (I need to connect directly without using this intermediate app). I have decompiled it trying to get some info, but was just able to confirm the 7,e,1,9600 parameters, since the rest of the code is too mangled to analyze The attached manual was sent to me by the guy who designed the PLC and its ladder code, so I guess it is the correct one I have tried the echo mode (TT) to no avail, response is always the same I have some doubts regarding the reading of a value (see attached image). Why is there a second message from the PC? Shouldn't I just need to read the response? GX Developer tells me that the address D8120 (which is supposed to define the comm format and protocol) contains a 0, which seems weird. Any help or hint would be greatly appreciated. Thanks jy992d69901e.pdf
  10. We have an application using a Mitsubishi L02CPU-P with a built in ethernet module. At one time the TCP/IP interface became irresponsive and a hard reset was required. The device is configured for binary communication and works fine using a GOT therminal and also operates fine when queried from a GX Works application. During debugging of a custom MELSEC application the TCP/IP interface stopped responding and could no longer be located using GX Works and the GOT terminal also lost contact. The L02CPU-P continued running the control application, but could no longer be contacted. The only way to recover was using the L02CPU-P reset button. I have heard developers being restrictive using the TCP/IP interface remotely over VPN and unstable connection due to the risk of hanging the device and not being able to recover without a personal visit to the device. Any experience from L02CPU-P devices requiring hard reset to come "online" again? Or does it enter some default state due to some internal exception handling?
  11. I have a client who is duplicating an existing Wonderware SCADA/MELSEC Q Series with a Wonderware 2014 R2 configuration, which they want to maintain that version. The driver they use is the DASMTEthernet, which is no longer available from Wonderware. I'm looking for any lead I can find to get hold of this driver, or a good solution to resolve the communications.
  12. Hello all, I am a beginner with PLCs programming. I have an issue on GX Developer programming software from Melsoft trying to program my Mitsubishi Q-series PLC. CPU is Q03UDCPU. When the program is written and I try to upload it to the PLC, with the write to PLC window, I check -Program -- MAIN and -Prameter -- PLC/Network/Remote, click EXECUTE and a message appears : "Device point that is set in parameter is not match the device point in PLC". I can't fix it. In Parameter - PLC Parameter - Q parameter setting (window) - I/O assignment tab : I have (see image). Whe I use CHECK button it says there is no error. The X41 input device is plugged on slot 1/00. I am making this folowing the instructions a PDF I found on the Mitsubishi electric's wesite : Q-series basic course (for GX Developer). Thanks for the help, A. S.
  13. Can I use just QJ71MES96 without the Q12DCCPU-V in MES interface? I am not sure if Q12DCCPU is still needed when monitoring only 1 PLC(Q03DVCPU) and sending data to a database.
  14. Is there a list of words, particularly d0000- dxxxx, used by got hmi that is not apparently found in gx works program but cannot be used since it will affect the hmi, like turn off hmi screen. For example i cannot find d14 in program but it is being used in hmi but not in buttons, rather configuration. Plc and hmi Connected via ethernet, udp protocol
  15. Hi, I'm trying to set up a TCP communication between a Q03UDECPU and a Beijer E110 panel I've tried both TCP and UDP as "communication mode" in E-Designer. nothing seems to work. What I'm I doing wrong Se attached files from E-designer and Gx IEC Developer
  16. what is latch clear operation and how is it triggered? Q03UDCPU connected to AB contrologix via ethernet sends data to L or latch relays and i read that it is only reset via latch clear operation. will for example L02 turn off if the bit is not triggered in the contrologix side?
  17. is it possible to overwrite the linked word coming from the other station as stated in this refresh parameter? http://prnt.sc/etejvj I will do OUT W703.11 which is written in the station 3 but I dont have access to it so I am asking if this is possible.
  18. Hello! I have inventory that is in very good condition. Working, no signs of wear, professionally stored, very little in use. I sell altogether for a really nice price or piece by piece. I'm located in EU, however I can ship worldwide. List: BEIJER E700 VER 02400A MITSUBISHI A61PEU 5x MITSUBISHI A68RD3 3x MITSUBISHI AY15EU MITSUBISHI A1S-38B MITSUBISHI A68B MITSUBISHI A1S-61PEU MITSUBISHI A2SH-CPU-S1 MITSUBISHI A1S-64AD 4x MITSUBISHI A1S-X80 MITSUBISHI A1S-Y14EU MITSUBISHI A1S-J71C24-R2 MITSUBISHI A1S-J51T64 MITSUBISHI A1S38B 5x MITSUBISHI AJ55TB2-8R 2x MITSUBISHI FX0N-40MR-ES 2x MITSUBISHI FX2NC-485ADP MITSUBISHI FX-485PC-IF Free (with all other): DATA SWITCH A/B->I/O Some cables... Here are high res pictures of this exact items that are being sold: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jurekphotography/sets/72157682320232626 Send your offer to PM or my e-mail: jure_zakon (at) hotmail.com (insert @ instead of (at)). Best regards, Jure
  19. Q_L MELSEC Comms (MC) sh080008l.pdf View File MC Communication Protocol Submitter kaare_t Submitted 06/14/2016 Category Manuals, Tutorials  
  20. Version 1.0.0


    MC Communication Protocol
  21. I have a Mitsubishi servo Pak #MR-J3-40B with an error 25 and 95 flashing. Could not find any help on the web or in the manual. Any help appreciated.
  22. Hi guys, I have a problem with GX IEC Developer 7.04, i hope some of you can help me. When i try to connect with the PLC type - Melsec FX1s- 30MR-DC, there is an error: I check all COM port settings, and everything is ok. Com_port parameters: FX Parameters: Transfer setup: PLC Type in the program is the same like physical one (FX1s). I try to change all of this stuffs but there is no result. The cable I use for comunnication is this type: Thank you very much in advance. Have a nice day! eng R. Bukov
  23. cheesy75


    hi just browsing for some ideas, I'm not proficient at programming but thought I could learn and have fun at the same time but now im stumped (and just moved house so a little preoccupied) anyway... I made a test rig, 14 leds driven direct from the y outputs with two sensors x1 and x2 the idea being to eventually put them in the stair case so when the beam at the bottom is triggered they will lead up the stairs in sequence and visa versa down wards, now I managed to trip x1 then sequence the leds and reset itself, all using timers, but when it came to going the opposite way easy I thought just reverse the program, but when I did this I got the dreaded double coil and I spent a couple of days on this to no avail, so here I am. open to any suggestions better ways not using timers anything to get me started eventually I thought I could have a selector switch for different patterns, but im getting a head of myself!
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