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Found 18 results

  1. Hi Everyone,I have a customer that needs a CQM1H (CPU51) replaced. They purchased the processor new-old-stock from a source they found online. It arrived in the original packaging and had the safety label around the top of the unit, so it seems that it is as advertised and no need to suspect that it would have problems. I purchased secondhand, a power supply to attach to it and program it from the bench instead of in the machine. The customer also provided me with an SD card containing the project file(s) for the machine. I am able to load the project in CX-ONE (running on Win 7) just fine. My computer has a native serial port (COM1) and I built a programming cable to work with the DB9 peripheral port according to a diagram I found online.The processor powers up right away with the ERR/ALM continuously on. No other LEDs came on initially, and after a bit of playing around with communications settings, I finally landed the right protocol and my computer seemed to identify the processor correctly. I compiled the source and attempted a transfer to the PLC. I got some failed message (or maybe messages) at the end of the transfer. It did seem to send all of the binary code, it just ended with an error message that I unfortunately didn't write down or grab a screenshot.Anyway, what I have now is a PLC processor with the ERR/ALM LED on always, I've never seen it in RUN mode, and now after the programming attempt, I'm seeing the COMM LED strobing at about a .5sec frequency (with or without a cable attached to the peripheral port), AND I cannot get CX-Programmer to again acknowledge the processor anymore. I'd like to reset this back to the way it arrived to me, but can't figure out how to make that happen offline. The DIP switches don't seem to cause that effect. I should say also that the DIP switch settings are all OFF except 3 and 7.Any help is much appreciated!Thanks,John
  2. Searching the forum did not provide me with any useful results. If there is another post with an answer, my apologies. I had ran into an issue with a 1769-L32E processor running out of memory a couple of times. Is there any software or easy ways to analyze an entire RSLogix 5000 project and show how much memory programs, routines, UDTs, AOIs, etc. are using? Ideally I would like to be able to find what components of the project is taking up so much memory quickly since our company standard is to use UDTs and there is a lot to look through. Thank you!
  3. Greetings Can someone tell me about a memory that saves the data even when the machine is turn off? I need one for a speed pulse for a driver and all the memorys that I used where not saving the data. The PLC is an FX3S-MT32
  4. Hello to everyone. I hope you are doing well. I have a KINCO PLC HP043-20DT. I'm communicating through free-protocol instructions XMT and RCV. The manual states that memory registers SMB86, SMB186 and SMB286 contain information about the state of the reception instruction. I would like to ask if any of you know of the existence of an analog register but with respect to the transmission instruction, instead of the reception. The manual does not indicate it and I could not find any information online. I've sended an email to the manufacturer but, until now, I have not receive any answer. Otherwise, how could I search for this information? I tried through the manual providede by the manufacturer, but maybe there is other way. I would appreciate any information. Thank you so much. Kind regards.
  5. Hello all, I have a L82 having ethernet connection with 3 HAAS CNCs and other ethernet device. The ethernet card EN2T is at 19% capacity. But my Controller MESSAGE CORE is at 100%. How do it get it down so that we can have faster and better communication ? I have attached the picture of the Tasks:
  6. Hello all, I need to read device memory mostly I need to read R registers from PLC L26. I read device data, but inside of table, I can't find R or ZR registers. Can you help me? What I did wrong? BR KS
  7. Thought I'd share an experience I had earlier today working on a (limited memory) L61 Rockwell processor. I knew there was very little room left in the memory but needed to add some functionality and decided to give it a try anyway. I couldn't take the machine down to make a download so made a number of online edits, successfully accepting and finalizing after each edit. Got down to the last four edits which required zeroing a tag of type REAL. The instructions were on four separate rungs. Hoping to save time (and all previous edits were successful), I added the four MOV instructions (MOV 0 into TAG) and pressed the "finalize" button. I was caught quite off-guard when the process failed: insufficient memory. AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!! So close! I tried to remove some logic to free enough memory to add the required instructions. Nope. Rockwell was not going to negotiate. That left me in a position where I thought I was going to have to take the machine down and do, hopefully, a download that would push the processor memory to the limit but be accepted without any hiccups. But before I did that I had a fortuitous thought. I F1'd the MOV instruction and hoped to find a complete explanation of the instruction, including timing diagrams, execution time, memory requirements, etc. Oh wait - that's Siemens. GROAN. Curious and desperate, I replaced each MOV instruction in my edited code (I'd estimate somewhere around 20 instances or slightly more) with the CLR instruction - including the four additional instances I needed. And finalized the edits with bated breath. To my utter surprise (again!) the edits were finalized without overrunning the memory. A MOV instruction requires memory for both the source and destination. Since I was only clearing a memory I didn't need to reserve memory for the source. Using a CLR instruction implies "0" (zero) for the source but requires no memory for the source value. Hence the efficiency. Obviously, this story would have a different ending if I had been trying to move some value other than zero into a destination tag. I offer my experience as a lesson if you ever need to streamline some code to fit existing memory space. I also would like to know if there are any downsides to what I've done. Have i overlooked any potential pitfalls? Thanks in advance for the advice.
  8. I would like to compare the content of 2 registers of D memory on my CJ1M PLC. I'm trying instruction = (equal) and D30 and D50 memory registers to compare data and activate an output, but I don't understand why it shows the same direction (&98 on the image).
  9. Good day. I'm using 1756 L71S GuardLogix Integrated Safety Controller with Studio 5000 v28. My controller is connected to a third party software through ethernet connection, it simulates my project hardware and provides all the signals to my PLC. To know all the hardware signallocation at PLC memory, it uses a Tag export file provided by Studio 5000. In other PLCs, when you declare a variable as hardware input, you have to select in which address from the memory you want this input to be read, something like "Bit Input 0.0". But in AB this step is skipped, that is all addresses are managed by Studio5000 and hidden from the user. Is there any configuration at Studio 5000 that let me assign or at least see this addresses? Normally I would prefer my tags addresses to be hidden, but in this specific case it is more useful to know memory addresses.
  10. Hello people, I hope someone can help me with this. The system is connected with 8 PLC's. I want to transfer the data memory of a PLC to another like this: D850 from PLC2 to D900 PLC1 D850 from PLC3 to D901 PLC1 D850 from PLC4 to D902 PLC1 D850 from PLC5 to D903 PLC1 D850 from PLC6 to D904 PLC1 D850 from PLC7 to D905 PLC1 D850 from PLC8 to D906 PLC1 The data memory is an integer.
  11. Hello! I am using S7-1200 PLC 1212C AC/DC with configured Modbus TCP Server. I can already read/write Inputs/Outputs (Coils) and Memory Words. However I'd like to read/write Memory BITS. Is it possible? If so, how? What addresses should I use in TIA portal? And which function codes on client side? Thanks in advance!
  12. Halo, my name is Riandanu, I connect PLC Omron CP1E to weighing scale, and its done. i think i dont have problem between PLC and weighing scale. And i want to ask about, how to compare value from weighing scale ? example : from the picture you can see value of weighing scale is " ST,+00160.66 g", and i want to compare it with 180 or 150 to give output on to lamp. Thankyou Riandanu PLC to ek-i.cxp
  13. Hi All, Just to verify if the "memory card" , in attached document Page 4 highlighted area , provides Omron CJ2M CPU21 to retain memory when powered off? If yes, for how long can the memory lasts without being charged? Isit capacitor or battery? Thanks in advance. Regards, Summer cj2m-cpu31.pdf
  14. We have Q06UDEHCPU PLC. We require to attain 1k of file registers in standard Ram. Please find our settings attached - PLC Parameter.png; When we try to down the register file – we attain the following error; “Failed to access standard Ram” error message (attached - Downloading Error.png); The program is very small – and thus we have plenty of space as well.
  15. I want some recommendations for a PLC that can hold its memory for long periods of time with no power. I have a customer that has the molds that only get used a couple of times a year and when they are not being used they sit in storage until they need them again. Currently they have a DirectLogic05 controller and what they have noticed is that when they pull these molds out of storage to use them, the program is lost and they got to download it again. They want to make it to were all they gotta do is plug and play basically for this machine. Is there a special module or a processor that can hold its program for long periods of time while it has no power on it?
  16. I have L61 with nonvolatile memory installed. The controller will read the program from CF card on power up. The issue is that some variables are lost or not the most up to date values are read from the card since it remembers them as they were last stored on the CF card. So stuff like motor run hours, etc is not up to date. Is there any way I can update these variables or tags on the CF card as they are updated by the process? Or what would be proper way to deal with this issue?
  17. Hi all, Im trying to figure out how to create non-volatile memory tags in GX Works 2 (using a FX3U controller), so that the values stored in the D registers won't keep zeroing out every time the controller powers down. Does anyone have any helpful tips on how this is done? Thanks
  18. Hi there, I have trouble understanding the "mechanics" of STL programming language for Siemens S7-300 PLC. For instance I have a code which looks like this (taken from the Siemens manual for extended pulse timer): With regards to the first line, AND operator checks whether the state of I 2.0 is '1'. According to the "Bit Logic Instructions" manual, it also ANDs the test result with RLO. Now the question is - what RLO is it if there are no operations beforehand? What memory area does it use for that particular RLO? Moreover, what is the Boolean bit logic string in this case? I presume it is all the lines up to the '=' sign. The confusion is also caused by instructions (FR, L, T) which are not logical operations or RLO, although there is associated memory bit with them. I'd be grateful if you could clarify this matter? Many thanks!
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