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  1. Hi all First tanks for your time. I have been working with a L32 processor and Factorytalk data bridge to move data between PLC and an OPC Server. The brigde is basically the software from rockwell to conect tags. I got refresh issues, any have experience with it? I am able to conect to OPC servers in Factorytalk Console, then use FT bridge to link tags in between... even works but time to time it fail to refresh tags.... then data loos happen. bridge dont show good performance. I uses Topserver as secondary and it works flawlessly. Regards Jesus
  2. View File GE SRTP Ethernet Driver Library for .NET 8.0, 7.0, 6.0, 5.0 & .NET Core 3.1 - ASComm IoT ASComm IoT for .NET 8.0, 7.0, 6.0, and .NET Core developers. Class library for use in Visual Studio to create HMI/SCADA apps that communicate with GE/Emerson PACSystems, Series 90, and Versamax PLCs and SRTP protocol compatible devices via Ethernet. Does not require OPC. Does not require GE, Emerson, or 3rd party drivers Visual Studio.NET 2017, 2019 and 2022 compatible All .NET 8.0, 7.0, 6.0, and .NET Core 3.1+ targets are supported, including Web, Windows, console, and service apps. Runs on Windows, Linux, Android and iOS Extremely high performance - 5~10 mSec typical transaction time Supports PACSystems family native tag names Abstract base classes allow you to write generic code that works with all drivers Synchronous and asynchronous read/write methods Data change notifications Provides common user interface across all driver classes No limit on number of devices or data points Multi-threaded for high data throughput Includes extensive help system Example applications with VB and C# source code included. Easily connect office systems to factory floor. Runtime-free for qualified applications Submitter Automated Solutions Submitted 12/05/2022 Category Demo Software  
  3. Version


    ASComm IoT for .NET 8.0, 7.0, 6.0, and .NET Core developers. Class library for use in Visual Studio to create HMI/SCADA apps that communicate with GE/Emerson PACSystems, Series 90, and Versamax PLCs and SRTP protocol compatible devices via Ethernet. Does not require OPC. Does not require GE, Emerson, or 3rd party drivers Visual Studio.NET 2017, 2019 and 2022 compatible All .NET 8.0, 7.0, 6.0, and .NET Core 3.1+ targets are supported, including Web, Windows, console, and service apps. Runs on Windows, Linux, Android and iOS Extremely high performance - 5~10 mSec typical transaction time Supports PACSystems family native tag names Abstract base classes allow you to write generic code that works with all drivers Synchronous and asynchronous read/write methods Data change notifications Provides common user interface across all driver classes No limit on number of devices or data points Multi-threaded for high data throughput Includes extensive help system Example applications with VB and C# source code included. Easily connect office systems to factory floor. Runtime-free for qualified applications
  4. Hi All, Has anyone had the experience of connecting two Fernhill Scada units using an OPC UA? I am intending to use Fernhill Scada on my Master PLC to read tags from my Slave PLC's Fernhill Scada. Then, displaying local tags (Master PLC, "Fernhill SCADA Unit 1") and read/scanned tags from the Slave PLC, "Fernhill SCADA Unit 2". In the meantime, I am trying to use both of my Fernhill SCADA units interact with each other (one unit to read tags from the other unit) by using Internal Digital Tag on the Fernhill SCADAs. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Hello! Is there any possibility to connect a Mitsubishi PLC to a program like Siemens Plant Simulation? With Siemens PLC I can do it through OPC UA protocol, or Shared Memory with SIMIT, or stuff like that. But I would need to do it also with Mitsubishi PLC. Can I use for example OPC Server? I couldn't find out, if Mitsubishi PLC-s have that function built-in. (I have a L02 and a FX3S COU, either of them would be great.) Thank you!
  6. This is hard work! I've installed the CODESYS OPC Server V3 in the hope of using it to communicate with my Schneider PacDrive LMC. Apparently the PLC doesn't support OPC tag browsing so I need to export the symbols from the SoMachine Motion project file in a format that the OPC server can use. I've got the Symbol Configuration panel open and can see the symbol tree. What do I do next?
  7. Hi, I am very inexperienced with Omron hardware so apologies if this is a daft question. I am trying to use Kepware to retrieve data from a CJ1M-22 PLC via the peripheral port using RS-232 and the Toolbus Kepware Driver. The RS-232 is provided by a Brainbox ES-246 Ethernet to RS-232 convertor. I have no problem accessing the PLC using this peripheral port via the programming lead but I wanted to know if anyone had successfully pulled PLC data through this port? Many thanks John
  8. Hi everyone! I have an OPC UA Server running on a PC that I need my CJ2 to communicate with. I'm having a lot of trouble to find how I setup this PLC to work as a OPC UA Client. Does anyone have any idea of how to do it? Thanks in advanced! Best regards, Alex
  9. Currently I am using DDE links in Excel to run a live "dashboard" with our cycle times and faults/downtime. I was wondering what the best solution would be if I wanted to display a dashboard with this information on a TV within the plant but I only have 1 license of RSLinx Gateway. OPC perhaps? SQL? I attached a picture describing what I need
  10. Hello, I need to connect remotely to an OPC Server DA. In my PC I have installed several OPC Clients but when I try to connect to the server (therefore located on another machine) I get an "access denied" error. How can I authorize the exchange of information between the 2 machines? Thanks
  11. Does anyone have any idea how to set up an OPC server in FactoryTalk SE for Excel? I'm trying to move data from a spread sheet to the PLC. Got it working in excel now I'm trying to initiate the transfer from SE.
  12. Please Help!!! I am very new to PLCs and need to have the capability to write the Data String(Part SN#) to a Computer connected via Ethernet. Am I in need of only loading an OPC server on the connected computer? Or am I in need of a Historian program on connected computer as well. Then writing a script on the connected computer to "poll" the data register that stores the serial number say every 5 mins that converts the data string to a .txt file. I have another piece of equipment that needs that .txt file data to append to report name. Does any of this make sense? I am trying to explain to our PLC programmer what i am trying to do. This all done on an Allen Bradley PLC and using an Automation Direct EA9 HMI panel
  13. Hi All, I am undergoing a project that requires me to connect a siemens s7-1200 with a Mitsubishi FX-3GE PLC using OPC UA. I was under the impression that Kepserver ex could do this, you ca install a 'mitsubishi suite' and a 'siemens suite' which will allow the kepserverex server to choose the drivers and connect the two plcs. Siemen's support however have told me that the s7-1200 CPU cannot function as an OPC client, and just as a server? If true, I do not understand how to get the mitsubishi FX to be a client to the siemens server, as kepserverex seemed to provide a solution.
  14. Hi all. I am trying to connect up a Mitsubishi FX 3GE and Siemens s7-100 using OPC. I have been told my siemens that the FX series of Mitsubishi cannot talk over OPC, has anyone ever managed it? I find it hard to believe a fairly recent PLC cannot use OPC. Cheers!
  15. Hey! I'm having some issues with an OPC server that is remote to our computer and PLC. We have an OPC server that is on an external server that is communicating between a L16ER and a computer. The PLC is processing a barcode and then sending to the OPC. The transfer from PLC to OPC to computer is taking ~1 second. Is there a good way to speed up this transfer? We were thinking about loading the OPC software on the computers directly rather than on a remote server.
  16. Hello, Currently, I have Schneider PLC- LMC058 - LMC058LF42 which support Ethernet communication. I want to collect data from this PLC to Database "MySQL". In order to do this I have below options: ** I can use Kepware OPC to gather data, However, there are 2 issues am facing. ________[*] this PLC appears to be Telemecanique PLC instead of Schneider .. which is what I don't understand. ________[**] Kepware OPC doesn't support Schneider nor Telemecanique PLC ... that's what I found but not sure of it. ** I found Somachine SQL gateway which dumbs data to MySQL, however: ________[*] I can't find enough resources on how to use it. ________[**] It's asking for License, Is there a way to crack or bypass it? ________[***] Has anyone used Somachine SQL gateway to directly connect Schneider PLC to MySQL database. My preference is using OPC server as it's the easier way, Hope I can find support on any of these 2 directions! Thanks. AK
  17. Hi all, I would like to logg data from Mitsubishi PLC to MSSQL via OPC Kepware, but I have issues to see values correctly I simulate Mitsubishi PLC on OPC, I see values on OPC client correctly ... but when I logg data to MSSQL db via DataLogger I have issues with data ... any of data are displaye as 0, string data as NULL ... What is wrong ? In attached files you can see datatypes on OPC and MSSQL. Thank you
  18. Big Norris

    OPC data

    Has anybody setup opc to extract data from an s7 1500. I have a DB file setup with the data stored in 1422.0. the ip is which I can ping but when I try to use kepwae opc I get a bad vartype error
  19. Good day to all forum members. I think many engineers are faced with the need to connect Siemens controllers to various SCADA systems. In most cases, the OPC technology is used to make such a connection. We want to offer participants to try our product, the OPC server for the Profinet protocol applied in Siemens controllers. Our OPC server supports the following standards: OPC DA 2.05, OPC HDA 1.2 and OPC UA (transfer of archives is supported too). Controllers of the following series are supported: S7-200, S7-300, S7-400, S7-1200 and S7-1500. The OPC server provides the interactive import of tags from the Tia Portal environment, and this simplifies configuring the server. The OPC server contains the built-in client for monitoring values, and this simplifies communication debug. There are the following modifications of the OPC server: - Demo version (full-featured, 1 hour continuous operation in the runtime mode) - Free version (32 tags at the most) You can download the trial version here: http://opc-server.com/catalog/mullti-protocol/profinet/ In addition to the OPC server for the Profinet protocol, we also support such protocols as Modbus, Omron FINS, Bacnet, IEC 60870-5-104, IEC61850 and SNMP. We would love to hear feedback and feature requests to our products.
  20. Good day to all forum members. As you know, Omron controllers support FINS, the protocol of its own development. Despite the protocol is high-functional and well thought-out, few of SCADA systems support the protocol at the driver level, and therefore the main manner of connection of such controllers to SCADA systems is an OPC server. We want to offer participants to try our OPC server for the FINS protocol. Our OPC server supports the following standards: OPC DA 2.05, OPC HDA 1.2 and OPC UA (transfer of archives is supported too). The protocols FINS Ethernet and FINS Serial are supported, and this allows you to connect various modifications of Omron controllers, both with and without Ethernet cards. The OPC server contains the convenient utility of import from a file formed by CX-Programmer, and this simplifies configuring the server. There are the following modifications of the OPC server: - Demo version (full-featured, 1 hour continuous operation in the runtime mode) - Free version (32 tags at the most) You can download the trial version here: http://opc-server.com/catalog/mullti-protocol/opc_server_for_omron_controllers/ In addition to the OPC server for the FINS protocol, we also support such protocols as Modbus, Profinet, Bacnet, IEC 60870-5-104, IEC61850 and SNMP. We would love to hear feedback and feature requests to our products.
  21. Hello! What i am about to do is connecting an external SCADA system to a Mitsubishi PLC via OPC server. I have already made some FBs and included their instances in a program in GX Works2, then started a GX Simulator2 and connected it to an OPC Server. From the OPC configurator I have defined some tags with their corresponding device addresses (e.g. D12345). I am using structured variables which device addresses i am entering in the OPC configurator. Tried to make some full rebuild compiling and at first was happy that the devices remain unchanged. The main problem is that after some time this devices change which completely ruined my experiment. Maybe there is some point that I am missing or there is just no way to use a fully functional SCADA connected that way to the Mitsubishi PLC (by OPC)? The question is is there a way to tell a particularly used instance of a function block to have exactly the same device addresses ever.
  22. I need to connect cx-simulator to Exor JMobile runtime, this runtime have ETH fins protocol to communicate with Omron PLCs. And with real PLC it's works. But I need to test programms with cx-simulator. And here I have problem. Googling and reading cx-simulator's documentation said me, that I need FinsGateway application. But it's old software. And Omron said that new is cx-compolet. But I can't find nor Finsgateway nor Cx-compolet. Does anyone have this programms? Or mayby knows how to connect cx-simulator with my Runtime.
  23. In general, this control PLC program is written in GX Works. I did a simple visualization on TIA Portal v14 (WinCC RT Advanced) and I would like to now test it on Mitsubishi FX3U driver with ENET Module. I do not have much experience in this kind of thing, I'm still learning. I know that someone previously made a visualization in LabView and downloaded the tags from the PLC using NI OPC Server. Someone also did visualization in iFix and also downloaded tags through server opc. I do not know just how or what program to download tags in PLC so that I can no longer use it in visualization in TIA Portal. Unfortunately I still have a connection problem. The driver is connected to the router. From the connection options with RT Advanced I chose in the connections tab Mitsubishi and entered the appropriate IP. Still nothing. I do not know if the lack of a connection can be related to a virtual machine (VM Vare Workstation 12) on which I have TIA Portal installed. The driver pings but can not connect. I also tried using KEPServer EX to connect and unfortunately also failed. (I have information about the can not connect). Anyone know what program I should use? or had contact with such a problem? I attach a photo of communication from my station to more visualize the problem. Thanks
  24. My intention is create a visual basic program with access (or excel), if possible with a Cold link (so I wake up when I need data only). See if you can orientate me about the best way and solve my doubts. I am pretty new to all this. I have several Allan-bradley plc’s in the Ethernet network. Several PC’s with windows 8 and excel/acces in the latests versions I have a server in the net where I have installed RSLINX gateway version. I have created a topic and I can see the PLC variables in there OK. In rslinx commnications -> I have set the click “enable rslinx classic gateway” I have run the OPC test client and it works OK according to some test Ihave found in google 8so OPC/DDE server is active etc) I want to retrieve Data in My PC from the rslinx that is in that server called BCNA08. I have colleagues that know how to run the EDIT ->copyDDE/OPC link and create a HOT LINK in excel in the same computer for other versions of rslinx (lite I believe) that they had for tests purposes. So I try the same but of course it does not work for a PC that is nor running RSlinx. My Rslinx is in BCNA08. How can I set a hot link (excel continuos update) and cold link (visual basic open/close communication). Any help or suggestions will be welcomed. Any good link to learn more too.
  25. Hello, I am responsible for implementation of Vijeo Citect 7.4 SCADA in my company. I want to connect to Beckhoff PLCs by using Twincat OPC Server. I can control and observe the variables through OPC Control tool, but when I add the device and variables to my Citect aplication, they are always equal zero. I cannot also force through Citect to change the value. I don't know where the problem lies. If you need additional information, please ask me. I will provide you with all the data I have. Thank you in advance. beckhoff_opc.bmp
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