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  1. Hello everyone, I'm writing a block in GX Works3 to perform the "Home" operation of a servo motor. (The algorithm inside the block has been tested and is working.) However, in projects with many servo motors, I want to use the block. The axis number will be requested from input the block, and the value received needs to be indexed into the places labeled as "Axis" within the block. And I need values like (4*(AxisNo))+2 inside some structure labels. The function block I want to create will look like the attached file. Which methods should I use to achieve this, and how can I do it? I tried using arrays but couldn't succeed. Example; If I enter a value of 2 for the Axis, the labels below will look like this: FX5SSC_1.stnAxCtrl2_D[Axis].uPositioningStart_D.0 ====> FX5SSC_1.stnAxCtrl2_D[2].uPositioningStart_D.0 FX5SSC_1.stSysCtrl_D.uExternalInputOperationDevice1_D.(4*Axis+2) ====> FX5SSC_1.stSysCtrl_D.uExternalInputOperationDevice1_D.10
  2. I'm using a Mitsubishi FX5UC PLC to control some Minas A6S servo drivers. Previously I've always used a pulse train and discrete IO (it's the way things have always been done here). This time I'd like to use Modbus RTU over RS-485. I'm pretty confident that the RS-485 wiring is correct because I'm getting an exception code back from the driver rather than the messages from the PLC timing out. I've been reading the manual called Operating Instructions (Overall) for the MINAS A6 series, particularly the communications supplement. I may be misunderstanding this, but the Modbus implementation appears to be non-standard. Specifically, in Schneider-standard Modbus, after the slave ID (or in this case, axis ID), the next part of the message is a function code that specifies the type of command; 01h is to read a coil, 05h is to write to a coil, and so forth. Whereas the Panasonic manual describes a different list of commands - to read the driver serial number it would be command 0, mode A, which gets transmitted as A0h. Documentation screenshots are attached. The PLC function ADPRW only works with standard Modbus commands. So what I'm wondering is, am I misunderstanding the communications supplement, or do I need some code specifically for these drivers? If the latter, I would assume that someone has already written a function block or a predefined protocol definition for this hardware. Does one of you fine people have one? Thank you in advance for the help!
  3. Does anyone know how to change the reading on Omron servo motor reading from negative to positive? The encoder is reading negative values when it is moving in the forward direction. I am using 1S servo on NX1P2 controller on Sysmac studio software. Please suggest.
  4. Does any one know any instruction that rotate the 1S Servo Motor continuously with angle(0 to 360) and velocity control ? https://forums.mrplc.com/index.php?/topic/35459-omron-g5-servo-drive-rotary-mode/#comment-165564 Above link may be quite close to what i want. But I have no idea how to set it up Simon
  5. Hello, I am beginner at servo and its driver. i am using MRJ4A driver and HG SR102 servo motor. i want to make my servo stop or alarm when the load is over the maximum load that i set by my self. what parameter should i set to limiting servo load even if the servo motor strength enough to lift the load.?
  6. Hi everyone, I am new to Mitsubishi PLC. I am trying to see from where Run or speed commands goes to Servo. I have MELSEC FX2M-32MT with FX2N-1PG cards for the Servo and I am using GX Developer 8.91v Also, I would like to mention that initially I found out that BATT V light was lit so here what I didi. >I replaced the battery within 20 second while powered ON. Before changing the battery I took upload of the program successfully. >I have cleared PLC memory and re downloaded the program. > Checked Memory addresses M8005 8006 both are Low. Now, when I am trying to run my machine it is not giving output to two Servos while a conveyor operates when started from the HMI so it means program is inside PLC, right ? Program is attached if someone wants to have a look. labeling mc 300322.rar
  7. Hi, I need help with my program. How do I include the fractional part of the position I set for encoder? I have an Omron PLC and using cx programmer. I need to command my servo (from HMI number input) to move to a certain position. Now using a manual computation, my servo is supposed to move 95.65mm, however, using my plc program, the resulting position doesn't include the 0.65. I used the FIXL instruction to convert my result from float to 32 bit and it removed the fractional part of the value. Thank you!
  8. Hey y'all- I have an application that uses an Allen Bradley servo with a brake and a linear actuator to lift a plate vertically. While maintaining a position, the servo drive (Kinetix 5500) will occasionally fault due to over-torque. I'm thinking it could possibly be due to mechanical issues i.e. bearings in the actuator but my initial thought would be that it would fault while moving up/down as well, so far I've only ever seen it fault while holding a position. This leads me to suspect that there may be something off in the control loop. I'm not involved in the setup but I know we use load observer and I reckon we use auto-tune. Other than that, I wonder if it's something to do with the brake. I also read about mechanical resonance in the manual which seems like a stretch but it could be contributing, the frame that the actuator/motor is attached to does vibrate a fair bit. I'm familiar enough with basic motion control using Allen-Bradley and understand the basic concepts behind the servo/control loop. However I'm at a loss for why the servo/drive would spontaneously over-torque while maintaining a position. How would you guys approach troubleshooting this further/solving this issue? Many thanks!
  9. Hi! I would like to do some tuning on our machine, but the problem is that the machine stops and drops origin positions. I selected User Command method with Basic setting. After 5sec I started the tuning, the machine stops with the roblem of that axis. Is there a parameter bit that goes high (or low) during tuning? There're no strange sounds nor movements..even the amplifier doesn't give error code. Is there something else that i should check? In the Servo-Adjustments parameters, One Touch Tuning setting I found the Permissible Overshoot Amount Level is set to 0. Can it be the problem?
  10. Hi there I was reading this thread: And trying to create 3 axes. 1 virtual axis and 2 real axis, I would like to use MC_GearIn for each real axes so both real ones follow the virtual axis (so both can move in sync motion). But my question is: If I give Move cmd(Absolute or relative)to master virtual axis and since it's virtual, it is not going to move then how can the other real ones follow the master(assuming that it's literally electronic gearing). Any help will be appreciated!
  11. Anyone know what could be missing to be able to import this stepper motor to sysmac? This is one of the supplied xml files for the stepper motor. FASTECH_Ezi-SERVO2_EtherCAT - OMRON.xml
  12. Hi there This attached pic I got from Omron motion control manual. I am trying to wrap my head around it. Does it mean that the slave servo axis is gonna follow master encoder axis using GearIn FB?? If so, then Can we executive Move FB on encoder axis? Looking forward to your responses.
  13. Hi Guys, How can I bring an axis into permanent control? that as soon as a value changes, the axis reacts. My Hardware FX5U, FX5SSC MR-JE-20B. Thanks a lot.
  14. Hello . Does anyone from the forum have such a program as on flimik, and he could share a program for f3x and the got1000 panel regards
  15. Hi there I am working on a project where Omron servo drags a part to a certain position using belt mechanism, But to avoid any slippage we decided to put an external encoder directly on the part. I was wondering what is the best to approach to drive the servo using the position of this external encoder. Is there any way that it can be configured directly with the servo? I am fairly new to coordinated motions, any help will be appreciated. Thanks
  16. I'm sure many of you are in the same boat with supply issues and elongating lead times with the Logix 5500 and 5700 servo drives. Are there any decent alternatives that are easily integrated into a 5380 controlled system, maybe with an AOI? I've looked at Beckoff and Parker systems, but Parker only seem to line CoDeSys as far as I can tell. Do any of you clever clogs have any suggestions for a well stocked alternative? As a side note, I'm not new to PLC programming, but I am only 6 months in to using motion and servo systems so be kind :)
  17. All of the ethercat servos I have installed are Omron. I have used many many brands in the past - over analog, pulse train, but not ethercat. I have one of the Yaskawa servopacks that can control two servos independently. The drive is all wired (POT, NOT, safety), autotuned, it's in RUN OK state, I have installed the ESI file, set up the axis, mapped the PDOs.. it's all working, but they do not move. I made a test program just with MC_POWER and MC_MOVEJOG/MC_MOVERELATIVE/MC_MOVEABSOLUTE along with the resetting of MC and EC and the servos do turn on, but ignore any movement command. They do not flare up with an error, and they give me their actual position, so the network is working. If I send the movement command the command position starts to differ, so the plc is/should be sending the command. I feel like there's something missing in the PDO mapping screen, but I didn't need to do all of this with Omron so I have no idea. I thought at first the servos needed huge units of movement and speed but the actual position value confirms this is not the case since it doesn't ever change.
  18. We currently have Delta DVP60ES2 and DVP32ES3 PLC's doing positioning control on Inovance IS 620PS2R8I 400w Servo Drives by Pulse/Direction. Under both of these environments our pulse count read on the Inovance drives are reading higher than what the PLC is outputting. We also have Mitsubishi & Inovance PLCs, which when connected to the same Inovance drives dont have any discrepancies in the pulse count. We also have Delta ASDA servo drives, which when connected to the Delta DVP PLC's also don't have any discrepancies. Given we have tested these combinations, it has led us to believe there is something unique about the pulse train output from the DVP PLC's that is causing the Inovance drives to read additional pulses. Has anyone experinced a similar issue with Delta PLC pulse output? If so what was the solution?
  19. Hello everyone, I have this weird problem that the PC (process complete) bit of MAS command does not clear after a cycle time. As you may probably see in the picture attached when the desired torque has been reached, the servo has to be stopped using MAS command; however, this is good only for one cycle!! The PC bit will remain on even when the whole sequence gets unlatched/reset. I have to manually reset this bit. I was wondering if you could help me with this issue, please? Thank you!
  20. Hi, Can someon help me with the following question. Like what makes a Kinetix 6000 drive a Guarded drive ? What type of safety stuff can you set to make it more safe. Is it some parameter ? I am bit confused, by the manual. Should I active it in the PLC program or how ? Or it is some setting like a safe speed or torque. I would really appreciate any help. Thank you so much ahead. Have a great day, thanks for the reading.
  21. Hello Guys! I have couple of questions about tuning an ab servo motor. -Actually what does the drive or plc doing when I launch a servo auto tuning? - What are the little boxes like position error integrator ? There are checkmarks in fornt of the lines. Can I choose the methode or something? I mean its not "auto" ? Why it is auto then ? - Can someone send me some basic literature where they explain me what these stuff acutally meaning ? - What is the hook up test what for is good ? -When you are doing a servo auto tune what are the parameters that you are monitoring and why ? -I should do the auto without or with load ? Whats the difference ? I know there are so many question I would be so grateful if someone could help me with these answears, or even just with one. Thanks again.
  22. Hi all, I'm having an issue with one of the Kinetix6000 allen bradley servo drives on a filling line that I support. This particular servo motors controls the rotary movements of a series of pumps to ensure accurate dose timing. Every time that I start up the machine, the PLC (Controllogix L7 firmware v28) executes a homing sequence to ensure the servo finds its 0 point. However, the servo in question keeps getting an 'Overspeed Fault' (E55). So far in troubleshooting, we've basically changed every component. We replaced the drive, feedback cable to the drive, and even hooked up a new free-spinning motor directly to the drive. Every component change has resulted in the same Overspeed error shortly after the homing sequence starts. To try and rule out a mechanical issue, I even disabled the homing sequence in the PLC and tried to move the motor using Motion Direct Commands. Immediately after a MSO command, the drive faults out for OverSpeed even with no motion. The last bit of troubleshooting we swapped the position of two of the drives, but the same OverSpeed fault happened on the drive connected to the rotary movement motor. At this point, I'm even considering changing the sercos fibers and the Kinetix power rack. Has anyone experienced anything like this before, or have advice on what to try to make it work? Thanks in advance for all your help
  23. So I'm new to the automation scene and in my training I decided to setup a little test rig, plc, drive, servo, sensor, hmi...etc. Everything is wired and hooked up. What I'm trying to do is simply get the servo to spin. here is a screenshot showing what I have. I think there are some flags on the servo itself that need to be set but I'm not sure how to do that. In Base(x) I have tried 0, 1, 4, 5, 35. Any help would be appreciated.
  24. hi I want to change a position of a servo (MR-J3-350T) which displays as current value 9500 to zero. how I can do it with MR-Configurator. in which menu should I go? thanks
  25. hi I want to change a position of a servo (MR-J3-350T) which displays as current value 9500 to zero. how I can do it with MR-Configurator. in which menu should I go? thanks
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