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Rodrigo Balsalobre

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  1. i'm here again and the fuction to solve is (SetOffHour>=ActualHour>=SetOnHour) == engine (on/off) OR (SetOffHour>=0 && SetOffHour<=SetOnHour<=ActualHour) == engine on/off these two conditions solve the problem
  2. Problem solved with the function (SetOffHour>=ActualHour)&(ActualHour>=SetOnHour) == engine (on/off) Btw, with this, another problem has appeared, this doesnt solve this question: When the SetOFFHour is lower than the ActualHour, so, if I select 5Am to Start and 4Am to stop, after 23:59, the system just stop and will only start at 5am again
  3. Wow, how i didn't try this hahaha, felling like a dumbass I will do this and i come later to show the results and possible problems... thank you for the enlightenment
  4. Hi, I was trying to do an logic with rtc, but I know i'm in the wrong way to do this, can someone give me a light about how can I do this on a better way? you insert an hour and minute to start a engine, and a hour and minute to stop this engine by the hmi. The way i'm doing this is: (ActualHour>=SetOnHour)&(ActualMinute>=SetOnMinute) == EngineON (ActualHour=SetOffHour)&(ActualMinute=SetOffMinute) == EngineOFF I know that are completely wrong because 1st: If i select 5AM to start and 5PM to stop, after 5PM, the system will start again. 2nd:Thinking you selected to start 5AM and stop 5PM, and know its 8AM, the system will start by hours normally, but if you have selected 20 minute and know its 15, the system will not work
  5. Hi! I was doing an project using function block, but at one point it became too complex to use FBD so I would like to use ladder. I'm using an ihm and that's why some inputs are of the network type, in FBD, it's easy to use the network i/o, but in ladder, the network inputs, where I receive data from the ihm, don't have outputs for me carry out the logic. How can i do this? USING FBD USING LADDER As you can see, theres no output on network analog input, on the digital to!
  6. just fixed the problem that i said before, but its using the other method that i tought, It will be nice if uses the hmi as a master like the first method with that error
  7. I can to this communication using the hmi as a slave, but with that, its more hard to do what I want, like on the video that I sent, the hmi uses the i/o from plc, using the plc as a master its like that: The ethernet connection on hmi software The type of adress and his number: How you need to write on plc: And theres an error with this program, for some reason he stopped to work like yesterday, but I will fix it Btw, on this method, it's like i said, it will be more hard to do what i need after this simple logic As you can see, theres no error with this method
  8. I think it's already allowed, can you help me with that? And about the program, I just make it equal like this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OhAgn4TGBw&t=65s The guy who made this video takes a while to do it correctly because he make a mistake, but the final result is equals than mine
  9. Wow, the lamp isn't appearing on the hmi for some reason
  10. Hello! I was trying to communicate my siemens logo with an kinco hmi but this error are appearing on the hmi, what am I doing wrong? Im using an ethernet hub! ETHERNET SETTING ON THE HMI THE PUSH BUTTON THAT ACTIVATES M1 THE LAMP THAT'S REPRESENT "Q4" AND THAT I DON'T KNOW HOW ITS WORKS BUT I JUST PUT ON THE SCREEN TO THE PROGRAM ON LOGO SOFTCOMFORT I JUST SET THE LOGO AS SLAVE WITH THE HMI IP THE LOGO IP AND THE ERROR MESSAGE
  11. sorry for the grammar errors, I didn't realize ! :-/
  12. Hello! I have a humidity sensor 0-10v and his measurepoints is for 10 to 90 humidity %. Using the Analog Amplifier, I set his measure range but theres a problem... he's only givin me integers numbers, and I need the decimal one's to. On the Analog Amplifier, with that range the program says that the gain on the measure is 0.08 for each number on the analog input, theres a way to see that decimal places? I tried increasing the measure range to 100-900 and set the decimal case to 1 but the gain turns to 0.8, with that I just can take jump number like 10.8->11.6->12.4. How can i do this on the way that I need? It's an LOGO 8! After setting measurement range from 100 to 900:
  13. Thats a simple solution, I've watched a video and when the guy put the function block, theres inputs and outputs, but this way works to, ty !
  14. it's an logo 8, with 8 analog and a 8di/8do expansion module. I have to declare tha expansion module on the software? If yes, do you know how can I do that?
  15. Hello! I was trying to configure an Temperature Sensor using the Analog Threshold Trigger to parameters and output activation but, when I put this function on the program, there's just input point, on the output there's no way to link to an DO, when I select the other one's analog function's to see, they all have the same problem. How can I fix this?
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