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  1. @ Neverov, I don't get it. Pag 27. https://www.aandd.jp/products/manual/balances/ad4212l.pdf I have the data address where values from the slave can be read. The address of the value I need is 6 digit. Are you suggesting to drop one zero then convert from hex to binary?
  2. Hi I'm trying to set up Modbus RTU communication between FX3U PLC and a weigh module. I would use the ADPRW command using 0X03 to read the 16 bit Holding Register but in the weigh module the Data Address/Holding Register of the value I want to get is 400047 - 400048. How to translate the value in 16 bit? Thanks, Fabio
  3. Hi, we have a Mitsubishi PLC Fx3U-128MT and a A&D weighing module AD 4212L. The weighing module supports MODBUS RTU communication via RS-485. We are looking for the most affordable and simpler way to establish communication between PLC and weighing module. At pag 20 of the manual " MODBUS Serial Communication Edition " https://dl.mitsubishielectric.com/dl/fa/document/manual/plc_fx/jy997d26201/jy997d26201g.pdf there are three options of communication equipment. According to your experience, what specific interfaces do you suggest us to invest in? Thanks
  4. @glavanov Thanks, any recommendation for a low cost steeper or servo driver ?
  5. Hi , we have Fx3U-128MT and a Hybrid Stepping Motor 2 Phase (17HS4401). Do we need to install FX3U-2HSY-ADP to control the stepping motor or we can program it no problem using PLC User's Manual - Positioning Control Edition? Do we need a Driver?
  6. Yes thank you! wiring COM to 0V worked out.
  7. Hi, we have a FX3U 128 PLC. I connect 24V to COM and all the output in the partition Y0, Y1,.. have 24V even if some output are ON and some are OFF. Why?
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