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  • Birthday 11/24/1975

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  1. Maybe my experience can add even more value to this discussion. I've just had a similar issue with CP1L-L and VMware workstation on Windows 10 operating system. When you try to connect to CP1L using USB cable (prior to that, USB device - Omron sysmac plc is connected to VM, in Device Manager you can see correctly installed Omron Sysmac PLC Device - inside virtual machine of course), it tries for several seconds, no blinking od PRPHL led on PLC, and message appears it cannot connect, check cables etc. When you repeat, retry, uninstall, install driver, remove USB, install again, unplug physical, plug, attach, plug cable into USB2.0 port, always the same: you cannot connect to CP1L. then I tried all the same but from Windows 7 VM, it worked. First it said it cannot connect but when you retry it's all good, online, upload, download etc. Then I got back to Windows 10 VM (all this is 64 bit), and checked USB Compatibility settings - it is USB3.0, but on Windows 7 is, of course, USB2.0. I've changed that on Windows 10 VM and it works, same way as in Windows 7: first it says it cannot connect, then retry and it works. Cable is attached to USB3.0 port, OK, tried it when cable is attached to USB2.0 on my laptop, it works, in both cases. Spent two days on this, alas. Hope this is of some help to anybody. Best regards
  2. Not that I was testing this, but I think you can use ETN21 module or even the built-in ethernet port (in CJ) for Modbus-TCP, only thing you should use is Modbus-TCP function block (there are several, modbus server, client e.g. MTCP_ETN_Server.cxf). I think you can find those on Omron France, they are written by this guy who made an excellent Multiway software. Not sure if CS1D supports function blocks though, older ones surely don't support it. regards
  3. Wouldn't know for sure, but I think there are two good Omron manuals, maybe there is a solution, one is called if i could remember, constructions of networks and other is construction of applications. I've found file names: W421_E1_02_CS1W_CJ1W_ETN21_Contrustion_of_Applications_Operation_Manual.pdf W420-E1-06_Cx1W-ETN21_Construction_of_Networks+Operation_Manual.pdf If needed I will try to find them on my network if you have no luck on the internet. regards
  4. Yes, Milosh, we solved it by installing the latest version of CX-Server. So, when they deployed new Windows 10 PC, they first installed CX-One v3 I think, and then cx-supervisor 1.3 without checking CX-Server Runtime component (since cx-server is already installed with cx-one installation), as I advised. Then everything was as described above, these two FINS/TCP PLCs could not have been reached by CX-Supervisor. Then I've installed cx-server from installation folder of cx-one 4.4 (I think it is the latest cx-server 5.0), and problem was solved. regards Zoran
  5. the same thing happened here also, customer has replaced old PC with Windows XP with the new one, with Windows 10 and just copied the runtime folder to the new PC (installed previously the old cx-supervisor 1.33 (1)). Everything works, except for just two, out of ten PLCs cx-supervisor is communicating with, we get the same message as stated above: cx-server manager error etc, and it cannot open these two PLCs. Here, we have ethernet. And in PLC config all plcs are configured with ethernet except these two which have ethernet (FINS/TCP) configured. We will try to change this and see what happens. Maybe this could have something with user rights also? Windows 10 is very restrictive with that, especially with system partition C, where cx-s runtime folder is located. regards
  6. tashinz

    Omron Eip

    Yes, exactly, probably it would be usefull if there is some manual like this: W421_E1_02_CS1W_CJ1W_ETN21_Construction_of_Applications.pdf for CIP, in this manual one can find sample program in C for creating a FINS message. Is there something similar for CIP?
  7. tashinz

    Omron Eip

    Have you checked this? https://www.myomron.com/index.php?article=1514&action=kb regards
  8. Sure, you can use ethernet switch, connect laptop with scada, and PLC. You can also connect laptop to PLC directly with crossover or straight ethernet cable, since ETN21 recognizes it. The above problem we solved with shipping router, so this way we separate PLC network from Office network. This needs some simple configuring of router. regards
  9. using '@' in the instruction executes instruction only once when input condistions true, until they are true again etc. So no need to use difu. I am not very familiar with TXD RXD instructions, but there is a preety comprehensive help (right click on instruction select Instruction Help) in cx-programmer, you shoud set up a port in settings, there is an example also. Tried to use built in tag P_ER after instruction and immediately set some bit e.g. W10.0 to remember P_ER since it is used by other instructions.
  10. A392.05 Built-in RS-232C Port Send Ready Flag (No-protocol mode) ON when the built-in RS-232C port is able to send data in no-protocol mode. I think DIP switches here are related to RS422/485 conversion unit / option board (CP1W-CIF11/12). Probably you continously send data to rs232 port, that's why it is allways busy. try to send it once, on diffup condition, and do not send another one until you get port is ready flag A392.05.
  11. Never used it, but I think this link can help you: https://www.myomron.com/index.php?action=kb&article=1243 As I check now on the run, there are some predefined function blocks for modbus in cx-programmer, go to Help -> Omron FB Library reference, but it seems it's of no use, not sure. But on the above link you have samples, maybe it can help. regards
  12. I would guess that whole response from your gauge is either hex or ascii (my bet is ascii) you you should frame your cx-protocol like that ($ for ascii & for HEX) or you should keep it only like variable (without $ or &) and put it something like W(DM100, 20), this 20 being 20 bytes, but i think it can be more just to be sure you are getting whole message. Then you analyze it in ladder and do required conversions in order to get usefull informations. regards
  13. Sorry for entering discussion 8 years later, if I understood correctly, when CS1W-CN118 is connected to peripheral port of e.g. CJ1M-CPU11, there is +5V on pin 6 of RS232 side of CS1W-CN118? That also means that peripheral port provides 5V ? i cannot test this since I don't have any of theese equipment at the moment but I need to respond to a request for offer, thank you very much.
  14. If you use wizard to call a subroutine (i.e. in script editor from Control menu select CALL) it will allow to call vbscript subroutine from cx-supervisors script, but it will not allow to call cx-supervisor subroutine from vbscript. So I guess it in not possible. regards
  15. Probably is the good idea to obtain one CJ1W-SCU41 module, it has one RS232 and one RS485. I suppose this Load Cell Controller has RS485? then you use cx-protocol to make a communication between cj1 and load cell controller. I suppose it is possible to use send and recieve comands from ladder and use built in com port in CJ1 to read data from load cell controller (or it is already used for comm with NS5? then SCU41is a must).
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