I have a setup the contains the following components that are locally connected through an Ethernet switch:
FX5U PLC ------------------------ IP:
GOT GS2107 -------------------- IP:
2x DAQ LabJack T7 pro ------ IP: and
My laptop ------------------------- IP:
I am using the DAQs to be able to read many Analog signals. The DAQs working as servers, while the PLC is the client. They are connected through Simple CPU Communication function in Gx Works3. The PLC is reading the holding registers in the DAQs at a specific timing rate (100ms default). I tested the communication and it is working good. Here is the problem:
If the laptop is directly connected to the network through the Ethernet switch, the communication times out after some time (few minutes up to like 30 minutes). I checked this through the Simple CPU Communication Diagnostics as shown in the photo. I don't know why this happening. I tried many things including:
1. Reduce the communication execution interval. Instead of 100ms, I changed it to be 200ms. Still have the same issue.
2. I tried to avoid connecting the laptop to the Ethernet network by connecting the PLC through the GOT which has a USB port. The connects the PC to the GOT USB port. It is working without timeout. I mean I can program, monitor, and watch the PLC by the laptop through the USB connection to the GOT. However, I want to log some data using the CPU Module Configuration Tool software, which supports only Ethernet connection to the PLC. Also, I want to use the real time monitoring through the GX Logviewer software, which also supports Ethernet connection only.
3. I have setup the External Device configuration to have MELSOFT Connection module and two active connection module, but still have the same issue.
Another annoying point is that I cannot detect the status of the connection. I have to keep watching the Simple CPU Communication diagnostics.
Could you please help me to solve this issue.