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  1. I have an interesting problem here... In my program 'OperatorMessages' I use MOVE logic to receieve an integer, and display the visibility of the bit if its ON/OFF, this is stored on a datalamp which displays a color for whatever bit is triggered via HMI (help2.png). I have 2 tags here, HMI.MessageLT and HMI.FuncMSG, they are both under the same UDT and are both INTS. You can see that when Machine.Mode.Auto is SET HMI.MessageLT holds the INT value.When Logic to the Left is RESET the INT value is placed back to 0. So my HMI.MessageLT is working perfectly, BUT the HMI.FuncMsg does not reset its bits. (images below) So you can probably image that on my HMI Data lamps, the DataLamp which takes HMI.MessageLT as a variable dissapears and reappears accordingly with the triggered bits, but the DataLamp which takes HMI.FuncMSG is not dissapearing, so when RESET it still displays as if there is an error because the bit is not resetting. Headache.
  2. Great Response, thank you both
  3. Currently updating an HMI from CX-Designer to Sysmac Studios. CX-Designer UI has String Display & Input which allows user to input a new value via keypad, and also displays user specified message for confirmation (Yes or No option / or Message String ). In Sysmac String Display & Input are seperated into 2 different button types. Data Display (Displays Variable Value only, no keypad/input option) & Data Edit (Displays variable value, has keypad/input option). Im looking to click on the DataEdit (or w/e works) , input a value, have a user specified message display. If I click yes, a keypad will show to input the new value, and if I click No it will not input anything. So far I have used a DataEdit button, have my plc tag 'HMI.HMI_Shift1_String' mapped to Global Events to Display my popup message so when I click on the button the keypad first popsup, I enter the value, and press enter, It then displays my popup screen. However when I click "NO" it still submits the value I dont want entered in the DataEdit button. How do I get this "NO" button on my popup to work correctly and not input anything that was registered into the Keypad when pressed and my "YES" Button to register whats in the keypad? NO is currently not connected to any variables so of course it won't close anything. But wondering how I can go about this to configure correctly.
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