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BobLfoot last won the day on December 26 2024

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About BobLfoot

  • Birthday 05/30/1963

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  1. Same here email worked fine once I told my password vault {Dashlane} not to auto-login. Auto-login was using my display name.
  2. Back in the hands that "birthed it ". Good Times and Welcome Back Chris
  3. The way I understand it Time Sync shares the internal clock of the master with the slave unit so they all run the same time, it does not set or change the time of the master. You need to locate the source of time to the master (plc) it could be a GSV Statement in the logic, it could be an HMI or PC writing time to the plc. The first steps I would take are as follows: 1) Check the program for GSV WallClockTime Instruction. 2) CHeck the web page of the Ethernet Card(s) and see what connects to this PLC that might be setting its time.
  4. I may be going over simplification here but if you have a working machine written in step logic with 10 Steps then create 10 Event Tasks in a Studio 5000 Program. Copy Step 1 logix to Event 1, Step 2 to Event 2 and so forth. Then the only thing left if to masage the event triggering condition to whatever it needs to be. See this manual for more about event programming -- https://literature.rockwellautomation.com/idc/groups/literature/documents/wp/logix-wp003_-en-p.pdf
  5. I may be going over simplification here but if you have a working machine written in step logic with 10 Steps then create 10 Event Tasks in a Studio 5000 Program. Copy Step 1 logix to Event 1, Step 2 to Event 2 and so forth. Then the only thing left if to masage the event triggering condition to whatever it needs to be. See this manual for more about event programming -- https://literature.rockwellautomation.com/idc/groups/literature/documents/wp/logix-wp003_-en-p.pdf
  6. When you changed the Gateway from the RSLogix ENBT properties did you do it online on a running PLC or offline in the project and download to the controller. Not sure it will have a difference, but if you can change it in the offline program and downlad it to the PLC it should stay.
  7. you should have an SSV for that
  8. you should have an SSV for that
  9. yes and each drive draws 6ma.
  10. The manufacturer documentation you show is very clearly labelled "Coast with TWO Powerflex drives". I would not assume it can be applied to THREE without checking with Rockwell Technical Experts. There is the possibility that the Relay Output cannot support more than two drive input units. If there is a "coast with MULTIPLE Pwoerflex Drives" example then I would be much more comfortable with doing what you're asking from a single relay.
  11. i'd suggest wiresharking and pay attention to port 44818. my google searches say rslinx used it but it went to being a security port in the newer units.
  12. Have you followed the RA Manual and setup the Controller tags for the module? Once you have them it is a matter of writing a sequencer to load the output array and read the input array. I don't have any code left because the last time I did this was 2005 talking to Sick BCR Units.
  13. May be a rabbit trail, but are you using non-repeating Prime Number Update Intervals on all your OI Topics? Or did you set everything to the default 1000 ms update rate?
  14. On each branch where you move a new value into StepNo add an OTL of a new Tag called NewStepFlag. Put an XIO of NewStepFlag at the start of each rung. Then at the end of ladder file put and XIO of the Pushbutton and an OTU of NewStepFlag.
  15. Tim come up with a great tool there, but I've never done enough setups to justify buying one.
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