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  1. Hello every one I created new code https://www.udemy.com/course/omron-plc-training-course-fa/?couponCode=E2EFA81B5916E8FEBD0A You can see this course free of charge Best Regards
  2. Hello I make a new coupon for this course you can download free by below link https://www.udemy.com/course/omron-plc-pid-control-cx-programmer/?couponCode=AC156ED38CB1F24EAB5B
  3. Hello every one in this video, you will learn about Omron PLC PID Control (CX-Programmer) you could see it for free by using the below referral link for 5 days. https://www.udemy.com/course/omron-plc-training-course-fa/?couponCode=0384FB604CD8E26CDD09 I hope it will be useful for you. Regards Mehdi
  4. Hello I used below manual https://mekatronikelektrik.com/data/pdf/w340-e1-08.pdf from page 686
  5. Hello I make a new coupon for this course you can download free by below link https://www.udemy.com/course/omron-plc-pid-control-cx-programmer/?couponCode=368054D82943A5F7A343
  6. Hello every one in this video, you will learn about Omron PLC PID Control (CX-Programmer) you could download as free by using the below referral link: Omron PLC PID Control (CX-Programmer) | Udemy I marked free download for 1000 people. I hope it will be useful for you. Regards Mehdi
  7. Hello Kassius Did you find any way to do it? if I put a button that bring user to system menu for changing password, so user can access to any place also. this is not good as security issue.
  8. hi could you help me to find sysmac studio network configurator? from where i can start it?
  9. Hello in your post i did not find any attachment!
  10. Hello We have a 2005 B&R PLC System and I read the CF Cards with Ram Reader. but I don't know how I can open it with Automation Studio. in Automation Studio when I want open a project only I could choose files with *.zip, *.apj and *.gdm and in CF Files I could not find any file with these extension. Thanks
  11. Dear Sir I have a CJ2M-CPU34 and CP1W-CIF11 so my question is as below: 1. could we use easy modbus way to connect CJ2M to other device through Modbus Protocol? if not we must use FB? and do you have any sample? Best Regards Mehdi
  12. Dear Sir Thanks for your answer. Yea I ma sure. I has some test. for example I put this modules near to cpu and after it I put other I/Os. so in this configuration all I/O get error. so I put this modules in last of rack after other I/o. so in this configuration all I/O worked except This modules. I think the connection of this modules has problem. do you think same as me? Best Regards
  13. Dear All I have a PLC and a 1769-SM2 so the red led is Steady Red. in manual wroted about this error : Cause:The module is unable to establish communication with the controller. Corrective Action: Cycle power to the controller. now I want know what it means to Cycle power to the controller? means is I power off the controller and then power on it? if it is I do it and the problem exist. could you help me on this issue? Best Regards 1769-SM2.pdf
  14. Dear Sir, PLTrend is only in German Language. Do you have English Language?
  15. Dear Sir, I checked it and you are right. in online we have 4 option: - Start - Stop - Erase From Traget - Load From Target But only we can choose "Start" and "Erase From Target" so Load From Target and Stop is disabled. and when I click at Start the message appare : Task already Running. I think we can not load program from this modules. what is you oponion? Best Regards
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