Hello tashinz, This S7-LAN converter is a plug that you connect to PLC just like programming cable. You don't define it in Step7 configuration! :) This converter has it's own software that need to be installed on your PC. It behaves like router or something like this. You sets him its own IP adress and you communicate with him through LAN. Software creates a virtual COM port in your Windows. You use this COM as communication port. In other words, it's like MPI/DP -> COM converter through LAN! You don't need to do any changes in your PLC. You have to plug this converter to PLC, connect it (using ethernet cable) to the nearest factory router, give the converter an IP adress on factory's server and connect your PC to factory's Local Area Network. Then you use converter's software to search for this IP and assign him to Virtual COM port. And simply speaking, that VCOM is your PLC. Now in Step7 PC/PG interface you sets this VCOM and you can programme your PLC through ethernet :) The same way you connect it to OPC on your PC, I think. It don't have to be this particular INEE converter. There are many others, this one is one of the simplests. I've seen also ACCON-NetLink-PRO fro DELTALogic. If there is someone reading this post that know something from practise about OPC's, please give us your opinion and clarify where I'm wrong. With regards byrol